Recently on my new USA.Life homepage I discovered someone making a comment about homeless in California lining the streets with their tents and various items probably all that they had left.Now to my surprise there were some people who had also posted on USA.Life regarding how some were asked to allow these people to live on their property to get them off the streets so to speak into church property areas. I was hoping I was reading this correctly, but what I discovered what's that these people who commented regarding these homeless again with all that they had underneath tents and blankets and different things and they said how appalling is it for them to ask us to put these people up houses people on church property I believe I'm correct in my assumption.So I decided to post a few things about these people that are living homeless now I know that probably most of them house drugs in various paraphernalia and that would be part of what I would call their problem so these people commented on this website that I'm now writing on and said this is a terrible thing for our local government to ask us to house some and then it came to me.When Jesus told us in Luke 14 about calling Bond-servants and asking them to go out into the highways byways and bid them to come at first course he went to his own house if you read it in Luke 14 and they turn them away they said that they had just bought some oxen they said that they had just got married and they said that they just bought a piece of land those three things jump off the page to me when I read that in Luke 14, marriage speaks of relationship, land speaks of inheritance, an oxen speaks of ministry so they put those three things in front of the Lord and he got angry so he said to his bond servants go out into the highways and they did but the house wasn't yet filled yet. So you know what they did the Lord said now go out into the briers and thistles now to me if you read this of course I grew up on a farm, however if I read this I understand that those brothers and sisters they don't know but those bushes only grow 12 or 14 inches high and inside them hide bunny rabbits and little Critters so in my interpretation the best of my ability concerning this the Lord was saying you got to get on your hands and knees to find these kind.Now shouldn't we pray up should we I believe Revival is going to come to the streets and it's going to bypass the church but I am highly offended that the originator of this new website alternative to Facebook actually took my take on what these poor people that are stuck in the church environment. Why these people that are homeless I know of a fact that the next Revival that's coming is in the streets I have an 89 year old friend of mine that told me watch the streets and watch the children that's where the next move of God is...I wonder if he's right I know God's right so you can take down another presentation of whether I put up when I got church people who want to scold these people that are out there with all that they have with the least of their possessions yeah they're probably into drugs and yeah they're probably very filthy people but wouldn't you be if you lived on the streets the Lord never turned any away save Judas even though he's loved him right up to the cross. So you need to repent you church people and if you take down my presentation or whatever I post again on this USA. Life I will surely cancel but I'll let everybody know this on Facebook not to go your way to me it's aggravating y'all have a good day...So much for your frredom alternative to Facebook...just saying...Pastor Mark...Watchman's Ministries