This article deals with nanobot technology, which is already in limited use in the Medical Industry. This is the technology that will best fulfill the prophecy regarding the mark of the beast of Revelation 13. However, the article is deliberately deceptive as to how long before nanobots will be able to live inside us continuously transmitting our thoughts to the Internet cloud or a Government cloud storage area. It says at least ten years but I can assure you it is more like three to five. But there is already a multibillion dollar facility in the Western United States able to handle the data and bandwidth requirements easily and transmitting and converting human thoughts wirelessly and wired to digital, binary information is also already being done very efficiently at various labs around the world and in the United States. Thus, all that needs to happen is modularize these elements into one system with nanobots and it is done. It will not take five more years. They need this power too much in their struggle for the ultimate political and economic social control.