It's The Flat-Out Truth Episode 007Show Notes

[It’s The Flat Out Truth Podcast]
In This Episode… [Is The Earth Flat?]
● [02.53] Joseph Goebbels the Nazi propagandist
● [11.50] Photosynthesis Encyclopedia Britannica Breakdown
● [13.12] Raqiya/Raqia Theopedia Breakdown
● [15.45] Nicholaus Copernicus Encyclopedia Britannica Breakdown
● [22.20] Enoch 18:12-15 (Enoch 1st Book)
● [29.22] Revelation 22:15

People and Companies We Mentioned in the Show
● [Rob Skiba] Rob Skiba is a Video Producer and Avid Researcher
● [Parralax] Zetetic Astronomy Earth is not a Globe on
Episode Length: [31:46]

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Thank You for listening! – I’m your host Bravo Colon