I know this group is small now, but as more platforms get censored and removed, I'm confident people will congregate via other means.

We need you. We need your knowledge. We need your skills. Please post here. Tell us about yourself. Act like we are pioneers trying to build a new society...because that's what we need to do.

I am a communicator and coach. I'm good at encouraging others. I'm pretty good in the kitchen. To build a society, we need a lot more than me!

food growers/preservers
ham/cb radio enthusiasts
car mechanics
doctors, nurses, dentists
store owners
wildlife experts
weapons experts
computer experts (can we be safe online in this age?)
leaders of all kinds
business experts

Most importantly, we need patriots who are willing to fight as the corrupt, illegitimate, government tries to shut us up/down and take away our rights.

Together, we can do much to support one another as this crisis develops. Please, reach out, get involved. The day is upon us when we need to do more than post online. We must act in the REAL WORLD. Let's get to know one another and connect. This is serious.

Can't believe Georgia went to Dems...So glad to have fellow patriots to keep up this fight for freedom. Those Satanic "CHICOMS" aren't backing down. Please, Yeshua, our KIng, help us stay strong! Watching Infowars...the best coverage

Welcome Tiffany and Tim! Thanks for joining.


please join us if you live in the Charlotte, NC region, (that includes parts of South Carolina,) and you want to live free amidst lockdowns, masks, vaccines, and marxism!