So, when I heard the other day that there had been a school shooting, I immediately thought, "Oh great, another Alphabet Black Op." You know, where they take some poor screwed up kid, pump him full of drugs, and condition him to go out and do evil things so they can be the next poster child for gun control? Anyway, then I heard the shooter was a lefty protected transgender and I thought this can't be an Op and it will go quiet very quickly.

Nope, I had it right the first time. I see it now. By using a trans in the Op, it not only lets them vilify the "evil gun that committed this atrocity" but also they can try to turn the shooter in to the victim and also rally up their fan base. Its a triple play for the bad guys.

I am really sick of this.


We need to get away from Lawyers and Loopholes and back to Right and Wrong.

Very simple isn't it?

When you go to the place that is the representation of all acquired medical knowledge in human history and they still require you to wear a face mask to stop the spread of an illness that has time and again been proven to not be stopped by a face mask, do you ever think how much you really should be trusting these people with your health?

Also, do you ever wonder how much worse off you would really be if, instead of visiting the hospital, you visited an old woman in a cabin with shelves containing medicines made from roots and berries and the other things nature provides?

Our ancestors actually knew a thing or two and it appears the human race survived before health care became an industry and big pharma became the representation of evil.

In no way am I recommending a course of action. I'm just wondering if anyone else ever gave that much thought?

Anyone else tired of hearing politicians, when talking about gun control, always saying that, "We are not talking about taking your right to hunt away(yet)". I am so friggin tired of this crap! I am so sick of President Dumb Ass Potato, talk about deer with kevlar vests while also including his now famous line about needing an F-15 fighter jet and not an AR-15 rifle to fight the government. (Did they have F-15s in Afghanistan when he ordered our troops to throw down their weapons and run? Just curious.)

So, if you're too dumb to realize this on your own, let me clue you in...

Our Founding Fathers created a systems of checks and balances in this country to keep one part of our government from gaining too much power, but what happens when all branches have become corrupt(at least to some extent) and are working together? Well, the final part of those checks and balances was to give The People the ability to defend themselves FROM the government. In the bill of rights, they gave us the Second Amendment.

Now where it is true that defending your life and property, feeding your family through hunting, and having an armed population to defend our country from outside invaders(southern border anyone?) are all necessary (some might argue even more so in those times, but I don't believe it), the intention of the Founders in creating the Second Amendment is clear. It is the sheep dog for the rest of the Bill Of Rights.

Now according to the politicians, the reason for gun control is to reduce crime but the facts prove that is just not true nor reasonable..…

1) Most of the “out of control” gun crime comes from places with strict gun control, the example is clear.

2) Criminals don’t follow the law. Murder and shooting someone(not in self defense) is already illegal. You think making it more illegal is the solution? How stupid are you?

3) Most mass shootings happen in “Gun Free Zones” because the offenders know they will meet little to no resistance. The criminals use the anti-gun laws to their advantage!

4) So it is reasonable to take gun rights away from people who committed no crime to stop criminals? Is it reasonable that in order to cut down on drunk driving, people who don’t drink and drive should not be able to have a car? Is it also reasonable that the government should order someone to have a vasectomy because their neighbor has too many kids? Don’t worry, I’m sure they are on the list(along with hunting ) as soon as they are done disarming the public.

5) The dangerous rifles they want to take away or at least stop the sale of only amount to 3% of gun crimes. Do you know what is used to kill more people? How about hands, hammers, and knives. Shouldn’t we be more concerned about that then?

So, why do they want to ban the scary rifles? Well, we need to go back to what we said about the Founding Fathers and our system of checks and balances. The answer is right in front of your face. The only reason to proceed as they have been, ignoring the facts and playing on emotions is that they want to remove the final block to total control… and the liberal sheep are only all to willing to go along with it.

The result of this is a totalitarian government and a future inline with dystopian visions. And the camps, don’t forget the camps! Some people won’t realize how deep in it they are until people they know start disappearing. Time seems to have proven(and is continuing to prove) that Orwell had the future right.

I leave you with this… If we look back at history we will see that in the 20th Century when a government banned or limited arms to its people, it was soon followed by the murder or subjugation of those who didn’t agree with the government or those they felt were less desirable.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it and if you write off history because you believe it could never happen here, you are a fool. The Founding Fathers knew it could and they gave you a gift that no one else has ever had. They gave you the tools to stop it and made it a right that the government couldn’t take away, unless you let them. Fight to keep your rights!



This a place for me to post my take on the world, life, current events, and my own beliefs... Just my Thoughts. I invite civil discussion on what I post.