Love covers every sin? Everybody is welcome in the Kingdom of God?

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Love covers every sin? 
Everybody is welcome in the Kingdom of God?

When feelings matter more to a church than biblical truth, you know you've stepped into a man's kingdom rather than the Kingdom of God. Progressive churchianity has replaced the gospel of Christ with a "love" gospel that would condemn even Christ Himself for the way He responded to the offenses he encountered.

Remember: Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by me." (John 14:6)
He did NOT say, "Everyone is welcome regardless of the way, your feelings are more important than truth, and YOU know what is best for your own life. Everyone comes to the Father their own way."

Beware of the Progressive "Christian" message. 

Ronald Godwin 6 yrs

But wait now, I thought all we had to do was repeat this prayer after "going forward" (in order to make sure everyone knows how many "GOT SAVED") look pitiful for a second or two and WHAMO like magic we are saved and can then go on with our lives as we had been, just now with the knowledge, because that pastor guy told us we were, saved on top of getting to live our lives out as we wish.

You mean that ain't so?

OH MY!!!

Praise God for some that WILL stand for the true Word of God and now a man-centered ear tickling theology that has NO TRUE repentance and grieving over the sin that God cannot allow into His Kingdom, NO true faith in Christ alone because they just want a get out of hell free ticket so they can live their lives as they wish and go to heaven, discipleship involved, no discipleship what so ever so even if they did wish to live a Christian life they would not have the foggiest on how to do so, and the lists go on.

Really the majority of "churches" today are nothing more than "country Clubs" where people get together once or so a week and put on their best Christian mask and mingle a bit, then go home feeling great about themselves, knowing "God has to bless me if I have enough faith" PFFT!

Forgive me if I sound a bit upset, I am really because I spent FAR too many years in a Pentecostal/Word of Faith church thinking I was preaching Christ on the streets and so on only to finally be woking up by the Lord, pretty crazy story there for sure and NO He did not talk to me GEESH, listening to amazing REAL Pastors like Dr. John MacArthur, Justin Peter's, R.C. Sproul (miss him and his teachings), and other reformed pastors.

God literally removed my entire family from that CULT that TBN and those that follow that kind of ungodly trash teach and I praise God for it.

Salvation is through Christ alone, and the faith HE gives us to believe.

God bless.

BibleGuy 6 yrs

Good point...thank you!

LJSev 6 yrs

Thank you. I just joined, and was a little put off by another's post that was heretical, if I may use that term to mean non-biblical. So glad to read yours!

JB Heston 6 yrs

So true!

1Amendments2 6 yrs
