Grace 4 Today Discipleship Training Reformation Style

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Buckle Up, this is going to be a rough ride for many as much of what we have been taught will be challenged by the very Book we have been studying for so long. DO you want man's teachings or God's?

Using God Word, Amazing Teachers from our past and present we will learn what it is to be followers of Christ as Christ taught His disciples and as they taught their students and so on. Rather than to lean on what the "church" has become to do, which is a far cry from what our Lord Jesus Christ started it out to be we will dive into the teaching that we started out with and return to what should be rather than what sadly is today.

Ronald Godwin 5 yrs

We had our first Introductory class last night, although they will normally be on Friday's I had some issues with Facebook, IMAGINE THAT RIGHT.

I would indeed like to stream them elsewhere but in truth, I have a very large following there at this time and until they give me the final BOOT, which may be soon I hate to say it, it does make sense to post if I can.

You can check out the Introduction on my main facebook page here:

Just scroll down until you see a video with a strange-looking feller sitting in an ugly chair with a cute kitty above my head, our newest edition to the family.

Each Friday at 6 PM Pacific time we will be meeting for another reading of "The Gospel According to Jesus" By Dr. John MacArthur along with comments, Bible Scriptures and so forth by yours truly.

If you do plan on joining us, I have a bit of a homework assignment for you already, to be honest. It is not to hard but if you would kindly PM me your answers before Friday that would be fantastic so I can compile them and get a good footing on what the consensus is. Although I have a pretty good feeling no one will do this I am hopeful anyhow.

Although I would love to hear about your full testimony this is not what I am asking for at this time. What I do want to know about is this. At some point someone no doubt talked to you about Jesus, God, or something. To make you come to a place in your life where you believe you are now a "Christian".

As best you remember, what is it they said to you or did. What did they have you do, say, are you still doing things in order to keep the salvation gift going, just how exactly does that work in your church, belief system or whatever? If this doesn't make perfect sense let me know with a letter I will try to explain it better.

This is NOT to bash you because you may believe differently or something. This is to see the different understandings of salvation out there, there are MANY.

Feel free to PM me any time about whatever you like, hope to see you this coming Friday.