The RINO List

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Here is a list of RINOs and any primary opponents they have so we can get rid of them in the primaries.

Below is a list of RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) who betrayed us software developers, system administrators, network engineers and other technology workers for H1B foreign nationals from India, with the eventual goal of gutting out consumer technology from America and offshoring that work to India to keep the super rich even richer.

Included with the list are primary opponents who will rescind HR1044 or S386, the two offshoring bills under consideration in Congress.  As you can see, there are so far only two, both in Texas.  We need to find more.  If you find more please let me know so I may update my list.

House of Representatives


DistrictRINO (voted for HR1044)Primary opponentTwitterWebsite
AL 1stByrne, Bradley   
AL 2ndRoby, Martha   
AKYoung, Don   
AZ 6thSchweikert, David   
AZ 8thLesko, Debbie   
AR 1stCrawford, Eric   
AR 2ndHill, French   
AR 3rdWomack, Steve   
AR 4thWesterman, Bruce   
CA 1stLaMalfa, Doug   
CA 8thCook, Paul   
CA 22ndNunes, Devin   
CA 23rdMcCarthy, Kevin   
CA 42ndCalvert, Ken   
CO 3rdTipton, Scott   
CO 4thBuck, Ken   
CO 5thLamborn, Doug   
FL 1stGaetz, Matt   
FL 4thRutherford, John   
FL 6thWaltz, Michael   
FL 12thBilirakis, Gus   
FL 15thSpano, Ross   
FL 16thBuchanan, Vern   
FL 18thMast, Brian   
FL 25thDiaz-Balart, Mario   
GA 7thWoodall, Rob   
GA 8thScott, Austin   
GA 10thHice, Jody   
GA 14thGraves, Tom   
ID 1stFulcher, Russ   
ID 2ndSimpson, Mike   
IL 12thBost, Mike   
IL 13thDavis, Rodney   
IL 15thShimkus, John   
IL 16thKinzinger, Adam   
IL 18thLaHood, Darin   
IN 2ndWalorski, Jackie   
IN 3rdBanks, Jim   
IN 4thBaird, James   
IN 5thBrooks, Susan   
IN 6thPence, Greg   
IN 8thBucshon, Larry   
IN 9thHollingsworth, Trey   
KS 1stMarshall, Roger   
KS 2ndWatkins, Steven   
KS 4thEstes, Ron   
KY 1stComer, James   
KY 2ndGuthrie, Brett   
KY 4thMassie, Thomas   
KY 5thRogers, Hal   
KY 6thBarr, Andy   
MI 4thMoolenaar, John   
MI 6thUpton, Fred   
MI 7thWalberg, Tim   
MI 10thMitchell, Paul   
MN 1stHagedorn, Jim   
MN 6thEmmer, Tom   
MN 8thStauber, Pete   
MS 3rdGuest, Michael Tulp, James 
MS 4thPalazzo, Steven   
MO 2ndWagner, Ann   
MO 3rdLuetkemeyer, Blaine   
MO 4thHartzler, Vicky   
MO 6thGraves, Sam   
MO 7thLong, Billy   
MO 8thSmith, Jason   
MTGianforte, Greg   
NE 2ndBacon, Don   
NV 2ndAmodei, Mark   
NJ 4thSmith, Chris   
NY 1stZeldin, Lee   
NY 2ndKing, Pete   
NY 21stStefanik, Elise   
NY 23rdReed, Tom   
NY 24thKatko, John   
NY 27thCollins, Chris   
NC 2ndHolding, George   
NC 7thRouzer, David Peter D-Abrosca pdabrosca
NC 10thMcHenry, Patrick   
NC 13thBudd, Ted   
NDArmstrong, Kelly   
OH 1stChabot, Steve   
OH 2ndWenstrup, Brad   
OH 4thJordan, Jim   
OH 5thLatta, Robert   
OH 6thJohnson, Bill   
OH 7thGibbs, Bob   
OH 10thTurner, Michael   
OH 12thBalderson, Troy   
OH 14thJoyce, David   
OH 15thStivers, Steve   
OH 16thGonzalez, Anthony   
OK 1stHern, Kevin   
OK 2ndMullin, Markwayne   
OK 3rdLucas, Frank   
OK 4thCole, Tom   
OR 2ndWalden, Greg   
PA 1stFitzpatrick, Brian   
PA 9thMeuser, Daniel   
PA 10thPerry, Scott   
PA 11thSmucker, Lloyd   
PA 12thKeller, Fred   
PA 14thReschenthaler, Guy   
PA 15thThompson, Glenn   
PA 16thKelly, Mike   
SC 2ndWilson, Joe   
SC 4thTimmons, William   
SC 7thRice, Tom   
TN 1stRoe, Phil   
TN 3rdFleischmann, Chuck   
TN 6thRose, John   
TX 2ndCrenshaw, Dan   
TX 3rdTaylor, Van   
TX 4thRatcliffe, John   
TX 5thGooden, Lance   
TX 8thBrady, Kevin   
TX 10thMcCaul, Michael   
TX 12thGranger, Kay Chris Putnam PutnamForTexas
TX 13thThornberry, Mac   
TX 14thWeber, RandyJoshua FoxworthFoxworthFor14
TX 17thFlores, Bill   
TX 22ndOlson, Pete   
TX 23rdHurd, Will   
TX 25thWilliams, Roger   
TX 31stCarter, John   
TX 36thBabin, Brian   
UT 1stBishop, Rob   
UT 2ndStewart, Chris   
UT 3rdCurtis, John   
VA 1stWittman, Robert   
VA 5thRiggleman, Denver   
VA 6thCline, Ben   
VA 9thGriffith, Morgan   
VA 11thManga Anantatmula   
WA 3rdHerrera Beutler, Jaime   
WA 4thNewhouse, Dan   
WA 5thMcMorris Rodgers, Cathy   
WV 1stMcKinley, David   
WV 3rdMiller, Carol   
WI 1stSteil, Bryan   
WI 8thGallagher, Mike   


House of Senate
