The Prayerful Word - February 15

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Psalm 113:3 From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised.

Romans 5:10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life!

1 John 4:4 The One who is in [us] is greater than the one who is in the world.

Psalm 139:14 I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Romans 5:21 So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God’s wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

May your ministry to the Body of Christ be directed by the Spirit, as the Lord commands, according to the pattern given from heaven, bearing the image of Jesus Christ, Who shows us the nature of our Father God, even as the workmen and craftsmen in Israel fashioned each item needed for the tabernacle. Exodus 39

May you set up the tabernacle of God in your life, turning your heart to the Lord in devotion and worship, in the midst of the wilderness, during your trials and tribulations, not abandoning the seeking of Him at the time you need Him the greatest, for His guidance and His protection will see you through the darkest and bleakest times safely to the settled and fruitful years. Exodus 40

May you always practice the presence of God, turning your thoughts in praise to Him, studying and applying His Word in your life, speaking without ceasing with Him, that you may dwell with the Lord always in the Tent of Meeting, protected by His covering shadow by day and warmed by His fire in the dark, ever prepared to wait on the Lord as long as He stays, and always ready to move when the presence of His glory lifts and leads you further in your pilgrimage. Exodus 40

May your words deeds, expressing God's love and truth, when directly empowered by the Holy Spirit, as you reach out to others, prepare the way for Christ Jesus to come into the hearts of those in great darkness. Mark 1

May you see in the special times of God's blessing and covering the promise and assurance of His provision and protection through seasons of endurance, as when Jesus went from His baptism by John to His temptations by Satan. Mark 1

May you recognize that there are many under the influence of God's enemy, quietly attending the congregations and assemblies of God's people and slowly sowing seeds of doubt and division to block the development of the Spirit's unity and prevent the expression of God's love, who, though not challenged by formal teaching, will respond in open confrontation to the presence of the Lord's power. Mark 1

Come to Me in your weakness and sin, your confusion and corruption, your uncleanness and iniquities and trespasses. Do not hide, do not fear My presence, do not try to cover yourself from My sight, but only come with the desire to be clean, to turn from those things that cause you to wither like a leaf.
Come with a desire to confess My glory and acknowledge My praise, though you recognize your unworthiness and inability, for I will cleanse you, I will strengthen you, I will ground and plant and stabilize you and make you a pillar in My temple and enable you to glorify Me both now and forever.
Though your nature be as plain as wood, I will shape you to My purpose and cover you with the gold of My nature. Though your weave be common as cotton, I will intersperse My threads of gold and silver, creating the beauty your heart has hungered for. Though your tongue is not skilled, I will cause My praise to flow forth and send My Spirit to bring life to others as you speak My truth.
Simply obey Me, and do not deny Me, and I will acknowledge you before the Father and His angels, and honor you before men by confirming My word concerning you.

May you call to, and wait on, the Lord to contend with those who contend with you, and to fight with those who fight against you, that He may come to your aid against those who pursue you, and be your salvation. Psalm 35

May your hands remain occupied with the tasks God has given you, trusting to His shield and buckler to cover you, and His spear and javelin to defend you, that you may focus on His will and not be distracted from His work. Psalm 35

May the spiritual powers who plot your ruin be turned back in dismay, and the people influenced by them to attack your reputation be disgraced and put to shame, that they may turn from their old masters and seek the redemption of the One you serve. Psalm 35

May you rejoice in the Lord from the bottom of your heart for the One Who has no equal in all heaven and earth shall rescue you. Psalm 35

May you cry to the Lord in your need when the spiritual enemies of your soul seek to ensnare you, through the carnal nature we all struggle against, by digging a pit to trap you without cause, for the Angel of the Lord will drive them away like vain and worthless chaff, pursuing them on the dark and slippery path they intended for you; then your soul can rejoice in the Lord and your whole being will delight in His salvation, for who is like the Lord, rescuing the weak from those stronger and the needy from the spoilers. Psalm 35

May you humble yourself in prayer before the Lord when the people who spitefully use you are in trouble and need God's help, fulfilling God's command and showing God's love to all, that they may be drawn to God the Father through Jesus the Son. Psalm 35

May you receive God's wisdom, through which your days will be many and your life will gain years, making the hours of your day more profitable and the years of your life more fruitful. Proverbs 9:11-12
