The Prayerful Word - February 23

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

James 1:22 Be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves.

Proverbs 21:3 The LORD is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices.

Matthew 7:14 For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Proverbs 3:28 If you can help your neighbor now, don’t say, “Come back tomorrow, and then I’ll help you.”

Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

May you be comforted that although missing the mark may take you afield from fellowship of the believers, yet you have a merciful High Priest Who will always meet you where you are, is able to know your heart completely and judge righteously, and cleanses you with His own freely-offered sacrifice and brings you back once again to full fellowship. Leviticus 14

May you give thanks with the sacrifice of praise before the people of God for restoration of fellowship given by the blood of Jesus, which cleanses and justifies, and the oil of the Spirit, which heals and sanctifies, covering your thoughts and intents, your words and deeds, your steps and testimony. Leviticus 14

May you follow after holiness expressed in compassion for those who are where you have been and offer the comfort, strength, and encouragement which points to your Savior, their Answer, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Leviticus 14

May you be cautious to do and say only those things that you see and hear from the Lord that you will not have to bear the reproach of the Master. Mark 6

May you be certain that the Lord knows the tolls that are made on you in the doing of His work and provides the rest, recuperation, refreshing, and renewal that you need. Mark 6

May you be confident of the abundance of Christ's provision for you, using what is at hand, however limited it may seem to your sight, and know that the only ones who leave empty are those who are filled with themselves. Mark 6

My child, stand ready to go. Leave nothing undone that needs to be completed, no debt unpaid in relationships except the debt of love, nothing that will draw you back or take your eyes off of Me. Be not entangled in the world, or the cares thereof, for you cannot fix what is wrong or save that which is perishing.
My arm is strong to save, and My Spirit is sent forth into the world to convict all of sin, and righteousness, and judgment.
You, however, are My appointed messenger of My grace, mercy, and love.
The tender mercies of the ruler of this world toward all he dominates are cruel and uncaring, heartless and without compassion, condemning and judgmental. If that is what they receive from those who come in My Name, what reason do they have to come to Me? If My light is darkness, what will draw them?
Rehearse My mercies in your life, My precious one, and remember from whence you came. Let My praise bubble up from your heart, regardless of where you are on the road of your pilgrimage, and let My true worship, in spirit and truth, flow from your lips, making much of Me before others.
As I have filled your cup to overflowing with the eternal treasures of heaven, even so let the jostling crowd cause the fruit of My Spirit in your life to spill out, indiscriminately, abundantly, without judgment, upon all who come your way, and upon all who touch your life. Know that you will not run short of My love, for it is boundless. My goodness and mercy can be freely shared, for they follow you in close attendance all the days of your life.
Come out from the ways and the behaviors of the world, My beloved one, and walk in My Spirit as My child. You will often be misunderstood and misrepresented by the children of darkness, but you will be My beacon, showing forth the light of My hope. The dark stormy waves will crash against you, for that is what I have called you to, and that is the purpose for which I have placed you in the world. That, My child, is why I have filled your cup so full.

May you collect what is left, not wasting any of His bounty, for you know there are many with needs. Mark 6

May you be comforted knowing that Christ is interceding on high when the wind and waves are against you, and that no opposition can hinder, halt, or delay His appearance in, through, and to you. Mark 6

May you wait patiently for the Lord as He turns to you and hears your cry, as He lifts you out of the mud and mire, giving your feet a firm place to stand, and putting a hymn of praise to God in your mouth, for in this way many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord. Psalm 40

Blessed are you when you make the Lord your trust, and do not look to the proud who turn aside to false gods, for many are the wonders the Lord your God has done and the things He has planned for you are too many to declare were I to speak and tell of them. Psalm 40

May you willingly give your ear to the Lord to pierce, as a servant who loves his Master and is glad to give up his freedom permanently and do His will since God's law is within your heart, for God's requirement and desire is not burnt offering and sin offerings, only your will and your heart. Psalm 40

May you speak of God's faithfulness and salvation, proclaiming righteousness in the great assembly, not hiding His righteousness in your heart or concealing His love and truth from those around you. Psalm 40

May you speak from the heart of the Father, for the mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, and His love covers over all wrongs. Proverbs 10:11-12
