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I urge you to pour out your heart to YAHWEH the Almighty Living Elohim (God) and accept His saving grace



I urge you to pour out your heart to YAHWEH the Almighty Living Elohim and accept His saving grace


The prayer must come from your heart and we hope this will help you to invite Yahshua the Messiah/Christ into yours. This prayer is here only as a guide. I urge you to pour out your heart to the Almighty, in your own words. For His Word declares;


Romans 10:8-11 [Hebraic Roots Bible, Literal Translation]


"But what does it say? "The Word is

near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is, the Word of faith which we proclaim) (Deut. 30:12-14)


9 Because if you confess the Master Yahshua with your mouth and believe in your heart that YAHWEH raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.


10 For the heart which believes in Him shall be declared righteous, and the mouth that confesses Him shall live.


11 For the Scripture says, "Everyone believing in Him will not be ashamed."

(Isa. 28:16)


"Heavenly Abba/Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your word is true. I believe that Yahshua Messiah (Christ) is the Son of YAHWEH the living Elohim and that He died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without You in my heart my life is meaningless. I believe in my heart that You, raised Him from the dead. Please forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart, as I forgive those who have sinned against me, please Redeemer Master Yahshua Messiah (Christ) forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Redeemer Master (Lord) and Saviour today. I need You to be my Father and my friend.


I give You my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Yahshua Messiah (Christ) ." I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that YAHWEH the Almighty Living Elohim has raised Him from the dead, and by faith I believe that I am saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Amein.


Looking back on my own salvation, I remember the great thirst and hunger I had for the Word of Elohim (Bible) and going to every service I possibly could. I listened to every Believer, reaching out in eager expectation for every testimony that I could hear. As I look back now, I find that I not only grew in the knowledge of our Master and Redeemer Yahshua Messiah (Christ), but I also grew in a degree of false doctrine, personal prejudices, and the errors of others.


If someone could have told me at that time to spend at least 90 percent of my time in Elohim's Word (Bible) seeking that direction, revelation, and guidance from Yahshua Messiah Himself, and 10 percent or less listening to what other people had determined that guidance meant, my growth would have been even quicker, even more blessed, even more glorious than it was. I am in no way complaining; I would not trade one moment of the worst time I ever had after my salvation for all the riches, glory, and fame the world has to offer.


For those who have accepted His Saving Grace, I encourage you to go to " These lessons are for new or young believers in the Master Yahshua Messiah (Christ), or for anyone who wants to refresh their understanding of the basics of the Believers Life.


I pray that they will help to strengthen your faith, and that you will continue to grow day by day, and be established in understanding YAHWEH Elohim's Word (The Bible) —

