A traveler from China just brought the new Coronavirus to Seattle

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A traveler from China just brought the new Coronavirus to Seattle. Here's what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Colloidal silver contains 99.99% pure silver particles suspended indefinitely in demineralized water that kills bacteria and viruses.

The presence of colloidal silver near a virus, fungi, bacterium or any other single celled pathogen disables its oxygen-metabolism enzyme, it's chemical lung, so to say. When any of these pathogens comes in contact with silver, they have a life expectancy of less than 5 minutes, that's how effective silver is! Remember the "silver spoons" of yore? They were the children of the elite who could afford real silver silverware, and they seldom missed school because of being sick. That's because each time they took a bite of food using real silver silverware, trace elements of the silver was ingested into their digestive tracts. By the way, 90% of your immune system lies in your digestive tract, so it goes without saying how beneficial it is to you.

Naysayers will tell you it doesn't work, but from my personal experience it works and works very well. In 2011 I contracted MRSA. Several rounds of antibiotics didn't keep it from returning, but once I began taking 2 tablespoonfuls of colloidal silver, it stopped it dead in its tracks and I have never had a recurrence.

Big Pharma can't patent it, so they do everything they can to discredit how effective it is. They want you to believe their tripe and instead bilk you out of tens of thousands of dollars for medicine that does you absolutely no good!

In 2009 I contracted e-coli after eating food prepared by Mexican migrants who apparently didn't wash their hands after wiping their asses. I've never been so sick in my life, but after beginning a regimen of colloidal silver, it healed and I've never had a recurrence of it since, either. I recommend a regimen of 2 tablespoonsful daily. It has a faint metallic taste which if mixed with your coffee or favorite beverage, cannot be tasted at all.

You can often find colloidal silver in heath and nutrition stores, but it is usually extremely expensive for an 8 ounce bottle.

I found the cheapest and best quality source located in Klamath Falls, Oregon. For more information and pricing, click on the link below:

8oz Colloidal Silver $13.47

16oz Colloidal Silver $19.22

32oz Colloidal Silver $29.97


Four 32oz Colloidal Silver Bottles JUST $79.97 + FREE SHIPPING

That's Less Than $20.00 Each!


P.S. No, I don't own stock in this company so I won't be getting a nickel of profit by posting this. I'm posting this simply in hopes it will save a few thousand lives, possibly millions. 
