Why The Democratic Party Turned Against Your Freedom

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Why The Democratic Party Turned Against Your Freedom

The mainstream media likes to insinuate that the NRA is a partisan organization. It isn't. Politicians earn their grades and endorsements from them (nrapvf.org/grades) based on how they vote and on what their positions are concerning the Second Amendment. It's that simple. A politician's grade has nothing to do with their party affiliation. If it seems as if the NRA is partisan today, this is because the Democratic Party is a much smaller tent than it used to be.

When Barack Obama first won the presidency in 2008, for example, there was a sizeable block of Democratic members of Congress who understood that our Second Amendment freedom is a good thing that must be protected. Many of those Democrats, however, lost their seats in Congress as Obama pushed the party left.

This purge of Democrats in Congress who vote for your Second Amendment rights has continued. Today, the party has pushed out almost all of its pro-freedom politicians. By 2016, in fact, the Democratic Party's official platform, under Hillary Clinton, was more anti-Second Amendment than it had ever officially been before.

All of the candidates currently fighting for the Democratic Party's nomination for president want to ban popular semi-automatic rifles; they want to bankrupt America's gun manufacturers one by one through once again, giving frivolous lawsuits legal cover; they want to nominate judges who don't believe the Second Amendment is an individual right and so much more.

These extreme positions aren't even smart politics. Past polling has indicated the number of union households with firearms in them in the United States goes from a low of 40% in California to a high of 60-80% in states like West Virginia, Michigan and North Carolina. The firearm owners in those states want their Second Amendment rights protected. When Democrats go against the Second Amendment, they go also go against a large part of their very own base.

This isn't true of the Democratic Party in every local election, and I have hope that the Democrats will come to their senses. Nevertheless, the polarization of this issue, which again is coming from the left, is not helping anyone.

So why did the Democratic Party decide that its own party's platform should blame law-abiding firearm owners for the actions of criminals? Why did their party's elites purposely expunge rational discussion from their political party with regard to this constitutional issue then?

Here are two huge reasons why.

First, mainstream-media outlets located in big cities along the coasts dominate the conversation on the left. These left-leaning media outlets and their dog-lapping people simply are not interested in honest reporting of firearm issues. Period.

They are instead more solely focused on pushing anti-gun narratives because that sells and that's what contributes to their bottom line, which is why I always tell everyone that NO news is true news when it is funded by the almighty dollar. It can ONLY be ENTERTAINMENT and NOTHING MORE!

They NEVER host guests who can humanize the freedom side of this issue; for example, when they have little interest in having women on who just used their firearms in legal self-defense of their lives or lives of others.

What these lame-stream media outlets are interested in is pushing gun control to also push their own personal agendas and NOTHING MORE!

One way they do this is by helping candidates who express anti-gun bullshit.

The other big reason is these politicians follow the money. Michael Bloomberg is a good example of the left's deep-pocketed elites. Bloomberg has long used his $50-plus billion war chest to further restrict or outright take away your right to keep and bear arms. He is now in the race for president and he is spending BIG TIME! Whether Bloomberg wins the Democratic Party's nomination or not, his money is a real factor in this election. Once again. PERIOD!

Many of the Democrat's big donors hold fundraisers in places like Beverly Hills and New York City's Upper East Side. These far-left donors have pushed the Democratic Party further left—especially on issues like Second Amendment rights. These wealthy Democratic donors live behind walls and have armed security—they live separate, elite lives—and they look out over America and think that all those little people between the coasts should not have Constitutional Rights as well as the God-Given Right to the same level of self-protection they themselves afford with their own levels of self-protection they currently enjoy.

_ Voters need to remind them—as they did to Al Gore in 2000 and Hillary Clinton in 2016 that American freedom should not be a partisan issue, and Americans will always stand and fight for their God-Given and Constitutionally backed Second Amendment freedom. Oh....PERIOD!
