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Madden has been the main component in the Blue River's return to prominence in the postseason, and the team's Tuesday evening win of 77-63 at Wapahani (4-2) was a clear demonstration of her value Madden 22 coins. She notched 27 points, 12 of which came in the fourth period that was the key to stopping the Raiders in their comeback attempts, and was dominant in the paint throughout the game at both ends.

Madden is required to do more during the season. Her role as an interior player is extended as she's permitted to, at times, play out on the perimeter as well and shoot more and make plays. Blue River's guards aren't as experienced than they were in past seasons, so in games where teams are playing the press defense, as Wapahani did and Madden's height of 6 feet 1 inches Madden assists in moving the ball up when the point guard is locked.

The halfcourt offense also runs through Madden. Bales aim to deliver the ball down low so she can either score , or kick-out to shooters when the defense breaks down. Madden is making a lot of quick pass passes in the process and this has resulted into the highest career average of 2.5 assists per game average so far.

"I love (the extra accountability)," Madden said. "I realize that there are times when I'm able to get the team going and I think that when we make the ball move quickly with me on the field, it could assist us in gaining more motivation."

Madden's offensive partner is Chamberlin who's perimeter skill set blends seamlessly with Madden's interior presence. Although Chamberlin has been struggling to shoot the ball up to the start of this year, she averaged 15.9 points per game last season buy mut coins. scoring 45% of her total shots and 72 triples , at 41.
