“Ha Makom,” The place. Yerushalayim....

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“Ha Makom,” The place. Yerushalayim....

Ha Makom...The Place... According to the Jewish sages, the first thing Yahweh created the World, was the foundation stone, the stone the Ark of the Covenant rested, and the universe expanded from that place... Ha Makom...  

And Yitzhak spake unto Avraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? And Avraham said, My son, G_d will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together, And Avraham called the name of that place Yahweh Yirah: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the L_RD it shall be seen, Beresheit ~ Genesis 22:7-8,14.

Shalom Aleichem Kol, Baruch HaShem, shelanu Abba! Yom Abba Same’ach, Blessings in Mashiach Yeshua!

There is one place on earth that has borne the Name OF Yahweh and a Prophecy for almost four thousand years, long before most of the world’s greatest cities or nation’s bore any name at all.

The place? At first it is referred to as “Ha Makom,” The place. but then, it is given a specific name: YHVH Yirah. And we know YHVH is the sacred name of Abba G_d. Yirah means to make appear, to make visible, to present, to provide and it means to reveal. In other words, YHVH Yirah means The Elohim will make appear, make visible present, provide and reveal. It was Avraham who gave the name to the place. It was Moshe who recorded its naming and added the words: ‘In the mount of The Elohim it shall be revealed, or it will be provided, it will be presented, it will be made visible.’

So what will be revealed? The answer to this question is found in what happened in this place. It was there that Avraham offered up Yitzhak as a sacrifice. And when Yitzhak asked His father, where is the Keves or Lamb? Avraham answered, YHVH will provide for Himself the lamb, however in Hebrew it says YHVH will Yirah the lamb. Yirah is the same word by which the place would be named.

So YHH Yirah identifies the place where YHVH will Yirah the lamb, present the Lamb, and reveal the Lamb. The Lamb will be made visible in that specific place, and the place, YHVH Yirah is Mount Moriah. So the question would be, does Mount Moriah have any connection to the revealing of the Lamb? You see, YHVH Yirah, Mount Moriah, Ha Makom is the central event in human History, the place….The Crucifixion. Ha Makom is the exact place Yitzhak asked the question of Avraham, where is the lamb, for it was in this same place Mashiach Yeshua was crucified as the Pesach Keves or Passover Lamb.

And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left, Luke 23:33.

YHVH Revealed, He presented and made to become visible in the place of the revealing, the presenting and making visible..In the Place Ha Makom, the place of YHVH Yirah or G_d’s provision! That which appears on that mountain is YHVH provision for the needs of all, for every need, every emptiness and every longing of our hearts. Mashiach Yeshua is the lamb, and The Lamb is provision, and Mashiach Yeshua is the provision of all, and in the Mountain of Elohim, it has been revealed!

The next day Yochanan seeth Yeshua coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of G_d, which taketh away the sin of the world, Yochanan ~ John 1:29.

So it is Yeedeem, beloved of Elohim, bring every unanswered question, every unmet need, and every unfulfilled longing to HarGolgatha, Mount Moriah, Ha Makom, the Place of YHVH Provision!!!


