The Point is ... She’s That “Nothing” When People Ask Me What I’m Thinking About  2/6/202

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“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” Ephesians 5:25

by James Collins

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.Ephesians 5:25

My wife, Amanda, and I have a major anniversary coming up this year. She has been good for me. Yet, somehow, I am afraid that people have not realized that I have been, and am, good for her. 

For example, whenever she is not with me, why do people ask, “How’s poor Amanda?” 

Last week, a woman in church said, “Amanda must be a saint.” I said, “According to most textbooks on theology, a saint is someone who often endures hardships, persecutions, sufferings, and torments.” “I know…” she replied. 

It must be that I have failed to toot my own horn in this matter. Somehow, my humble spirit being what it is, I have failed to let people know the blessing I am to her. 

Take our anniversary last year. I did it up right. I went to the cemetery and found her some flowers in the trash. Show me another man who recycles and thinks of his flower-loving wife at the same time.  

I took her to Walmart where she looked at the anniversary cards in the display. When she found one that she liked, I read it to her before carefully putting it back. I didn’t want to bend it and have to pay for it. 

Then I drove her through the drive-through at McDonalds. I let her read the menu and smell the hamburgers.  

I listened as she said that she would like to look at some new dresses. I took her to the mall in Joplin. We went to Sears, J.C. Penny, and Macy’s. For over two hours, I let her walk through the dress area and look to her heart’s content. 

She kept saying something about needing a new dress, but I’m not sure she does. She has a perfectly good one that she never wears. As a matter of fact, it is a rather expensive long white dress. It is also the most beautiful dress that I have ever seen on her. But, as beautiful as it is, I have only seen her wear it once for a public event, our wedding. She was then, and still is now, the most stunningly gorgeous woman that I have ever laid eyes on. Next to my salvation in Jesus Christ, marrying Amanda is the best thing that ever happened to me. 

Love delights to give. I would have continued giving more to Amanda on our anniversary last year, but she ran out of money. But seriously, love delights to give. Tell me how much you give, and I will tell you how much you love.  

God loved you and me so much that He gave His only Son. The Bible says that husbands are to love their wives in that same way (Ephesians 5:35). A husband should be willing to give his very life for his bride.  

The point is: Loving and giving are inseparable. Whether you are dating or have been married half a year or half a century, love deeply and give freely.  

For over two decades, I have been blessed to live with a woman who makes life worth living. And, I join those who wonder how she can put up with me, but I am glad that she does. Life would not be worth living without her.  

So, all kidding aside, I would die for her. 

More importantly, I will live for her.

The Point Is...

James Collins James Collins


James Collins is pastor, writer, and columnist. Find out more about his ministry at 
