How to create gardens throughout the season ?

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Spring and early summer – getting started with planting ,

Once your plot is prepared (see your first few days in the garden and preparing a bed for planting), mark out the beds or rows you plan to use, and start planting whatever crop(s) are appropriate to the season, following

Summer and early fall – planting and harvest ,
As you move through the summer and early fall, some plants will reach maturity and you’ll want to take them out, potentially replacing them with other crops (see garden plans for suggestions on how to plan out these successive plantings). Other plants (long-season crops like parsnips or winter squash) will just stay in place, growing all season long.  
Weeding is CRITICAL (see hand weeding and weeding with a hoe). You can do a little weeding each day, or you can weed thoroughly once a week, but if you wait more than a week to weed, you’re asking for trouble. Watering can also be important, especially if there is no rain. It is likely that in almost any year you will need to water at least a few times, particularly after planting seeds into dry soil. 