You Will Never Convince A LIB

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Don't waste your time with LIBs.

This article is from November 2018. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.


It's impossible to have a discussion with LIBs about making America better because they reject the main tenets of America's founding.
LIBs do not defend the Constitution. They reject it. They look for every opportunity to circumvent the Constitution.
LIBs do not promote Free Enterprise. They look for ways to regulate it and pick winners and losers. Their economic platform is based on socialism.
LIBs do not nurture Individual Liberty. They seek to convince the society that individual achievement and success is selfish. They promote the idea of "the collective." They use guilt and propaganda and false morality to nudge individuals toward giving up personal freedom for the good of the group. They use taxation to force wealth redistribution. They penalize the makers and reward the takers.
As a result of these facts, it is absolutely pointless to try to convince any LIB of the error of their ways and try to show them how their mission hurts America. LIBs know their mission hurts America. They reject the United States of America and the main tenets of its founding.
So the positing of facts relative to the founding will not convince a LIB to change their mind. Post the truth for those in the middle who are sincerely looking for American truth and American success. Post for those who seek clarity and success for themselves and America.
You will never convince a LIB to change their mind unless we reach the point of no return. At that time, LIBs will begin to see what their hopes and efforts have actually wrought. At that time, America will have become a tyrannical, less free and regulation-imposing federal government that trashes the rights of their people, regulates the consumption of goods and services to the point of scarcity, and eliminates free thought and liberty. Individuals will not be encouraged to create, achieve and exist peacefully. You’re either part of group think, or you are ostracized and rejected.