A LIB Stumbles

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LIBs cannot articulate their position beyond a one-line talking point.

This article is from November 2018. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.

A LIB and I were having a discussion about taxes and socialism. (Yes, I know.  It's rare to have a "discussion" with any LIB.) It eventually evolved into state and local taxes and how only 53% of American workers pay federal income tax. I told him it was time for everyone to have skin in the game and for that 47% exempt from federal income taxes to pay their fair share.
The LIB used the argument that the 47% pay sales taxes, blah blah blah. When I pointed out that those taxes were for state and local governments and that the 47% didn't pay into the federal government coffers, he said this:
"... it’s better that it DOESN’T go to the federal government, it’s taxes for the local public good, in-state, in-locality. Because it’s wrong for Feds to take taxes from people in one state and pay out to the benefit of another state."
I couldn't believe he said that. He is, in effect admitting that it is wrong for people in Arizona to have to pay for the health care of people in Ohio -- which is what ObamaCare did, which is what welfare and food stamps do -- and all other federal government entitlements.
Each state was given the autonomy they possess in order for their citizens to determine what is best for them. Socialized medicine and free college and all that other LIB bullshiggitty is fine if determined by a state. The federal government has no role in any of that.
Americans have the freedom to leave a state and go live where they are more comfortable with the governance. They can't leave the US to escape federal income tax unless they're willing to renounce their citizenship.
Our federal republic must be restored.