The Climate Change FAIL That Everyone Missed

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Believers can't stop or slow or reverse what they claim to be climate change.

This article is from Februray 2019. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.

In the last several days, I ran across an article in Forbes that was touting: This Is The First Mammal That Climate Change Has Officially Driven To Extinction. I read with curiosity regarding several items. First, how did “they” know the mammal was extinct “due to man-induced climate change” (their statement)? Second, how do they know it is extinct?

First of all, there is no evidence that these mammals died due to climate change. Rising waters and other acts of nature caused their habitat to dwindle. Those occurrences are not necessarily due to man-made climate change (MMCC).
The article stated that Queensland scientists believe that "human-induced climate change" is responsible for the melomys' demise ... on an island where there doesn't seem to be much human activity -- if any. Coastal flooding is not factually linked to MMCC. Storm events aren't factually linked to MMCC. Neither are warming temperatures. We’re talking about weather when it’s only a 30-year span. All of those reasons for the demise of the melomy are naturally occurring events in nature that MMCC Believers try to link to their ginned up data models.
The article also stated that “they” suspected the melomy was in danger of becoming extinct in the early 1990s -- almost 30 years ago -- three decades. This fact made me curious as to why someone didn’t leap into action THEN.
The entire story shows the weak, disorganized and questionable abilities of MMCC Believers to preserve an environment or relocate an endangered mammal that they themselves labeled at risk almost three decades ago. If MMCC Believers can't affect an area so small, in one country, after claiming to understand and predict the demise of this mammal due to their own hyped-up data, they certainly can't have any meaningful effect on the rest of a vast world where there are tremendously more acts of nature and where humans are accused of having a greater impact on the environment.
In this instance, MMCC Believers had an opportunity to show the world that they could use their bright ideas to reverse, stop or slow the environmental factors that affected this mammal in the last 30 years of its existence. They targeted this mammal three decades ago as being at risk. They believed that it was due to MMCC. They not only were unsuccessful in protecting that small environment, but they weren’t even successful in relocating the mammal. If they DID do something in both of those instances, then those efforts failed.
They identified a problem. They stated their analysis of the cause, which is supposed to be their expertise, and failed to do what all of their literature claims man can do -- reverse, stop or slow what they call MMCC and/or save the environment.