Democrats and Globalists Are United Against Trump

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They are working in league to stop him on many fronts.

This article is from August 2019. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.

Yes, the Democrat Socialists can propagandize their way through just about anything, but they never can find the propaganda narrative to help them propagandize their way into making wage earners more prosperous, wages increase or creating a booming business environment that will foster all of those things for Main Street. Give away assets that belong to others, stop enforcing laws, provide incentives to law-breakers, confiscate wealth, demonize achievers, infringe on individual rights, et al.

All Democrats had to do was not be stupid, propose programs and policies that enhance Main Street and help ALL Americans, and they had a chance to beat Trump just on pure hate. But Democrat Socialists couldn't even meet that low bar. The candidates left are all screeching moonbat socialist loons.

And now that they realize that all of Trump's trade deals further insulate Main Street from globalism, the Democrats are intent upon doing anything they can to delay/block/stop anything that would be a win for Main Street and a win for Trump.

It all goes back to this: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

For any who have been following along regarding the de-globalization efforts of Trump to shore up Main Street, what follows should be pretty easy to grasp and understand.

First and foremost, Trump's goal has always been "free and fair trade." He has repeated this early and often. When trading partners did not agree to it, then Trump balanced the trade imbalances with US tariffs. "America First" means taking care of Main Street, which means cutting off the spigot of losing jobs globally.

China, the EU and the horrid NAFTA trade deal were the worst offenders in all of it. So it is natural that they would get the majority of the focus.

1. Trump has executed a work-around avoiding China by creating bilateral deals with other countries in Asia for both trade and relocation of supply chains. That was why Trump spent the time that he did in Vietnam earlier. There are multiple goals regarding the China trade problem, and the most pressing has been theft of intellectual property. It's not just about trade.

2. Trump has announced just in the past week that he is willing to structure a win-win deal with the UK that creates free and fair trade between the countries that will also make inroads into the EU. This will be a win for the UK economy, and a win for the US in trade. This will create some leverage for both the US and UK vs the EU.

3. NAFTA was always considered to have not done what it had been originally designed to do. It cost the US many jobs and businesses. Even Democrats admitted this; but now, BECAUSE TRUMP, they're dragging their feet in voting for and implementing USMCA -- the restructured NAFTA with Mexico and Canada.

Trump's efforts in trade are bringing the jobs back to the US that past administrations said would NEVER return. Know why? Previous US leaders were feeding the globalist economy to the detriment of Main Street. They weren't stupid. They knew where the jobs were going and why. Even if companies do not come to the US to make their products as a result of Trump's tariffs, they are being forced into a Plan B to relocate from China in order to do business with a US consumer who has money to spend. "America First" has brought jobs and higher wages back to the US. All of North America could benefit if Pelosi ever brings USMCA to the floor for a vote; but most importantly, it would further weaken China's position of trade with the US. USMCA closed loopholes that allowed China products to go through Canada and Mexico to the detriment of US products.

You think Democrats aren't capable of upsetting Trump's efforts? Look at all they've done for the last 2+ years that has harmed US citizens just with immigration and crime, lies told about Kavanaugh to keep him from being confirmed, the repeated drumbeat of labeling all Trump supporters as Nazis and racists, the fact that many of them have publicly hoped for a recession if that would result in Trump losing in 2020 . Democrats are very capable of harming Main Street to keep Trump from winning; and they are able to do it with a smile and a clear conscience.

It's not a coincidence that after Justin Trudeau met with Pelosi and Democrats that Trudeau and his Foreign Affairs Minister tabled the ratification of USMCA in Canada.

It's not a coincidence that Pelosi would announce, the day after a US-UK trade agreement that would give both countries leverage vs the EU after a No-Deal Brexit, that the House would never support that agreement. Pelosi doesn't even know what the agreement would entail.

It's not a coincidence that immediately after that US-UK trade deal that globalist-friendly media began pushing the US recession narrative based solely on a yield curve and no other indicator.

It's not a coincidence that the Democrats began beating the drums for recession along with globalist-friendly media as soon as it was first uttered. Not one Democrat has a plan of what to do other than to keep getting screwed in trade by supposed allies. That's not a surprise.

Trump's focus is Main Street. The consumer on Main Street represents votes. De-globalization helps Main Street and keeps it strong, but it hurts Wall Street due to their taking on so much global risk. Wall Street wants the globalist status quo because there are trillions in play there; but that's a risk they were willing to take at the time with globalist presidents.

So you can start looking for huge donations for Democrats from Wall Street to help them secure their globalist investments. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Wall Street loved Trump until he started taking care of Main Street and kicking in the "America First" doctrine.

By repeating the recession drumbeat, by striking fear into consumers in the hopes that it causes them to constrict their spending, that constriction would eventually start a recession that had no indicators of even happening -- other than the inverted yield curve that didn't last and was blown up by all the July consumer data. Democrats are willing to push any narrative necessary to GET TRUMP. They've proven it to the detriment of Americans already.

To be intellectually honest, an onlooker has to ask, "Just what have Democrats proposed that will HELP Main Street without penalizing another American with higher taxes or seizing assets?" There's nothing. The only way to get Trump is to maybe impeach him, create a phony narrative of impending doom, or create a political impasse that will cause failure and cause him to lose the election.

It's not a coincidence that all of Trump's enemies are cheering recession. They're willing to take down hard-working Americans to GET TRUMP.
