Fighting the Violent Radicals

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They will only stop when we make them stop.

This article is from September 2019. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.

They will never stop unless we are willing to do to them what they are doing to us.

Democrats are now involved in a revolutionary movement that is anti-Constitution. Democrats are saying to America:
"You can elect your president, but we're going to do all we can to prevent him from governing by investigating him during his entire term. You can nominate a Supreme Court Justice, you can have hearings and confirm him; but we're going to throw so many accusations at him -- true or not -- that we will emasculate him. We know we can't overturn the Second Amendment, but we're going to pressure retailers into not selling you any ammunition. We’re going to pressure banks and credit card companies into not approving any purchases that we don’t like. You may be on a college campus with the Freedom of Speech, but we're going to threaten you so much that you will be afraid to exercise your free speech."
Democrats have conceded their inability to get their agenda done legally. So they intend to pressure people through intimidation, boycotts and physical violence.
Democrats are saying to America:
"You can say anything you wish on television or radio or online, but when you get home, there will be people in your front yard to confront you verbally and loudly and even threatening the safety of you and your family. We intend to intimidate you into silence."
The Democrats have adopted a totality of revolutionary pressure to undo the Constitution at the source -- The Individual American.
In history, we are aware that during the Civil War, the Confederacy created a policy whereby every Black Union soldier captured, would be executed -- shot dead.
Abraham Lincoln, president during the war, issued an Executive Order that retaliated against the Confederate practice: For every Black Union soldier shot, the Union will execute one captured Confederate soldier. Lincoln realized, that as distasteful and violent as his order was, you have to do to them what they are doing to you if you ever want them to stop.
The Confederates did stop.
Bringing things to the current time period, we see that Democrats are leaning socialist, they want to seize assets, seize guns, give away all they can; but it goes further. That’s just what is recognized on the surface. Democrats want to turn the country into a nation of spineless worms.
You'd think that Democrats would be happy. They've not the media, they've got Hollywood, they control academia; but that's not enough. They want the NFL, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, and any other reasonably wholesome activity in American society.
Democrats want that Christian baker in Colorado. If that baker goes to the Supreme Court, and he wins, so what? Sue him again. Why? Not because of him. They need to terrify everyone else who is thinking LIKE him who would stand up for their principles.
Be like Abraham Lincoln.
You have to be willing to do to them what they are doing to you if you ever want them to stop.