More Alarmism from Climate Change Believers

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Their melting ice caps fallacy is blown to smithereens.

This article is from October 2019. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.

More alarmism attributable to failed efforts using faulty data that more and more of the public chooses to ignore. 
LIB Believers claim that is all the ice caps were to melt, the sea levels would increase 216 feet.  The scientific rule of displacement blows this theory up in seconds.  Remember, LIB Believers in mmcc claim to believe in science.
If it is destined to happen in the view of believers, they now have the grand opportunity to show us how -- in a specific and measurable way -- they plan to slow, stop and reverse this climate phenomenon.
Instead, they cry for the ability to seize our assets to pay for plans that remain vague and lacking the explanations necessary to move the common man to action.
Like socialism's failures, this mmcc hoopla has become cultish. Believe because. The believers are engaging in the same behavior of people who they mock for their spirituality and religious faith. Not surprising, since hypocrisy is common for socialists and believers.
Now, let's all do like the high priests of mmcc -- Harry and Leonardo and Meghan, et al -- and fly in private jets around the world to warn and lecture people on their evil ways.

