Why People of Faith Support Trump

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Never allow a LIB to lecture you on spirituality and morality.

This article is from December 2019. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.

Straight out of the gate, let’s get something straight. The Left abhors religion and faith and spirituality. They don’t understand it. They don’t want to understand it. If you refer to your spirituality in any political argument (which I never do), they scoff at your childlike belief in fairy tales, and they add that to their list of ridicule against you.
In order for the Left to gain any advantage in their philosophy, it’s more important for them to find ‘gotcha points’ in your philosophy than it is for them to convince you of their stance. Why? Because it’s difficult to justify murdering babies in the womb. It’s difficult to justify the risk of voter fraud that damages the credibility of our elections by claiming that people of color can’t get identification. It’s difficult to justify weaponizing an agency of the federal government to discriminate against citizens based on their beliefs and patriotism. It’s difficult to justify taking your assets, earned with your labor, to give to someone else. I could go on, but you should get it by now. Most Leftist goals for America are immoral.
One thing is certain. Being lectured by LIBs on anything to do with morality, the law or spirituality is like getting a lecture on those topics from Satan himself. However, the hypocrisy of it shouldn’t surprise anyone. LIBs are most at home in the Sewer of Hypocrisy. You can’t be a LIB without being a hypocrite.
Now that those points have been made, I’ll begin. Here’s the deal.
Whatever you find to be flaws of President Donald J. Trump -- and we could all list some -- he has made it clear that he is not the enemy of America or the enemy of sincere, hardworking Americans. He is not the enemy of Christianity. He is not the enemy of Judaism or Israel. Trump is not the enemy of the unborn. Despite all the accusations of racism, Trump is not the enemy of Latinos or Black Americans; and he has instituted polices and created programs that have uplifted minority communities probably more than any other POTUS before him. Whatever the personal flaws of Trump -- and we all have our own -- his efforts on behalf of Americans far outweigh any accusations of being mean, cheating at golf, choosing the wrong words or articulating his position in a clumsy way. We can be sure of one very important thing: Trump loves America, and he’s not going to allow anything or anyone to tear it down.
Forgiveness was once very important to the Left when it was a reference to William Jefferson Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama. The Left lectured us often on how important it was to forgive and to accept the fact that everyone -- including presidents -- have personal faults and are human. But their hypocrisy and Leftist belief system won’t allow such forgiveness for Trump.
Christians and other people of faith know and understand that we live in an imperfect world inhabited by imperfect people, and we make opportunity cost choices every day along the production possibilities frontier. Good things vs bad things. Advantages vs disadvantages. Value vs cost. More free time vs overtime pay. We make choices between imperfect situations and imperfect people every day. We make those choices even when we select or reject people when it comes time to work, to associate, to compete and to socialize. There is something imperfect in every choice we make, and we weigh those imperfections.
When it comes to our politicians and government leaders, we have been given a stark contrast in styles over the past quarter decade -- from Bill Clinton to GWB to Obama to Trump. Do we value the eloquent politician who rarely keeps promises and makes excuses for not doing so -- or tries to convince us that something antithetical to our founding is something that is good for us today? Upon whom can we count to defend us, to FIGHT FOR US, to make the best and moral choice for our citizens and our country, to make the best choice in dealing with foreign countries (the fake friends, real allies, the adversarial and the sworn enemies), to make the best decisions when it comes to spending taxpayer funds? The actions and words of the past four presidents have taught us much.
Most Christians and people of faith -- including me -- will take the leader who will fight for us, defend the unborn, not be afraid to say what’s on their mind, defend our borders and call a personal/political enemy a “son of a bitch.” America was badly in need of a fighter, and The Brawler from Queens is the right man at the right time -- flaws and all. And Trump donates his salary every quarter while fighting for us.
The Left wasn’t willing to reject Bill Clinton after his (proven, not alleged) escapades in the Oval Office and his impeachment for perjury and other crimes. The Left was also forgiving when Obama knowingly lied to us about shovel ready jobs and said we could keep our doctors and our health plans. The Left overlooked those things because they supported the things that those two were doing TO the country. Today, these Leftists lecture us on our faith and spirituality and call us hypocrites for not rejecting Trump. The Left is desperate.
Never allow a LIB to lecture you on morality and spirituality. Cut them off at the pass. If they are a true LIB, they reject morality and spirituality. Anyone who believes that the end justifies the means -- and true LIBs believe it -- is immoral. LIBs are unqualified to speak on those topics -- especially when it has anything to do with you personally. Since my faith and spirituality are a private matter for me, they are doubly unqualified to speak on it.
Christians support Trump because of all the things that he is doing FOR the country.