Teachers Backing Communist Bernie Sanders

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For those who keep up, this should come as no surprise.

This article is from January 2020. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.
Don’t be shocked.
For those who keep up with these sorts of things, big-government supporting educators have been shaping the minds of our youth for decades. Hence, the problems we face in society with so many students and former students failing to understand -- or refusing to understand -- that we are a federal republic. That same failing group doesn’t understand the Constitution, basic civics, free enterprise, or the efforts of our Founders and Framers to protect Individual Liberty. But these groups aren’t the problem. All problems originate at the source. In this case, it’s the educators.
Disclosure is required. I was a teacher and coach in high school and college for almost three decades, so my perceptions and views were not only obtained in the trenches, but I have first-hand knowledge over many years. My comments to follow are not directed at all teachers, but they certainly apply to the vast majority of teachers. How do I know? Look at the results of their work.
One thing that you need to keep in mind about the vast majority of educators is that they were never part of the real world. Stop and think about it. They’ve been in school all their lives. When they graduated from high school, they went to college, and then they got jobs in schools. There, they went to work for people -- administrators -- who went through the same process. Real world experience is lacking. Much of their views are theory based. Utopian. In search of the perfect world -- one that will never exist in an imperfect world inhabited by imperfect humans.
The other thing to keep in mind is that more and more educators are part of labor unions. When I was teaching/coaching, I joined the union even though my view of unions is mostly negative. However, when it comes to school districts and principals (not all), you’re dealing with more of those “theorists.” I was seeking protection from those folks. I wanted my basic right to due process protected. For those who haven’t been inside schools since they graduated from high school, teachers today are subjected to some of the most outlandish accusations from students who find themselves between a rock and a hard place due to their own poor judgment and bad behavior. That’s a topic for another day.
However, the majority of teachers in unions are there because they view themselves as activists when it comes to the children and the village. Teachers love pep rallies. Most of them never left school, remember? And we’ve already witnessed the results of their activism in the classroom. Unions of teachers take on the characteristics of one big pep rally. I can recall occasions sitting in faculty meetings when I just shook my head and realized why public school education just spins its wheels getting nowhere.
So don’t be shocked about so many teachers voting for and financially supporting communist candidates for president. As their hero Obama would say, “It’s in their DNA.”