Another View of LIBs on Fascistbook

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There are none so vile as LIBs on Fascistbook.

This article is from January 2020. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.

I’ll preface this by saying that this is not about how ridiculous their arguments are and how anti-American they are. I won’t even touch on their vile nature and name-calling. That is well-documented across the entire galaxy. This is more of an observation about their common appearances and efforts on Facebook.
After years of engagements with them, I have learned their tactics and methods that are assisted by Facebook in silencing Conservatives and patriotic Americans. They work in league with the biased and censoring power of Facebook.
First, I’ve observed a common profile characteristic of these trolls and vile people. They often use animals and cartoons as their profile pictures. Dogs, cats, anime warriors, or some vile, evil cartoon character is used as a common profile picture. They hide who they are. I was imprisoned in Facebook Jail for three days when I told the LIB that they looked like a dog. Their profile pic was of a dog. Facebook informed me that I was bullying. Facebook didn’t discover this on their own. Some LIB in the discussion reported my post as bullying.
Second, they very often do not discuss your comment/claim. They resort to a solitary Like Emoticon that is laughing (see image below).
Nothing else. No reply with text/dialogue. Just a laughing emoticon. I block them. Yes, I block them. I don’t block them because I don’t want to engage and discuss and defend my point of view. I don’t block these jackasses for resorting to name-calling and their commonly vile nature. I block them because they are NOT willing to defend their point of view. I don’t want my time wasted with notifications that are nothing but junior high foolishness. I also block the LIBs who perform this emoticon exercise on the public posts on my profile page. Again, they don’t comment. They just use that stupid-ass laughing emoticon.
Personally, I don’t use any of those Like Emoticons except the customary thumbs up. No use for that stuff.
Third, they are crybabies who often use Facebook to silence you or create speed bumps that waste your time. How so? If they don’t like what you’ve said -- even if done in a civil manner -- they report your response as offensive or bullying or some other bullshit reason. The other tactic is to report your profile to Facebook as being fake -- not really you.
When these LIB efforts occur, Facebook shoots and asks questions later. All of sudden, you’re jailed for violating their bullshit community standards. All of a sudden, you’re asked for ID to prove who you are. All of a sudden, Facebook tells you that they think you’ve been hacked and that you have to change your password or jump through some other bullshit hoop. In most cases, when this has happened to me, I have challenged the decision and win. However, it was such a waste of time.
The absolute worst page where I have found these LIB tactics prevalent are on The Hill. It is not the worst page because of the The Hill’s page administrators. It is the worst page because of the vile LIBs who are living there rent free and enlist Facebook in their mission to silence others.