Call In The Wolves

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It's time for Trump to start dropping the hammer on the Deep State.

This article is from February 2, 2020. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.

It is time to blow the lid off of the Deep State and the obstruction connected with the "America First" doctrine. The country has suffered enough and far too long from the multiple coup attempts to take down Trump’s presidency. Trump and his family have also suffered enough.
Immediately after being acquitted, it is time for Trump to pull out all the stops.
The ones put in charge of transparency in the Trump administration have fallen short. They have not brought truth and justice for all. In fact, some are hindering the draining of the swamp in a passive aggressive style.
There have been barricades thrown up by Trump’s own team that still exist.
First, the Senate has not been in recess for four years. Trump has NO RECESS APPOINTMENTS, and he’s the only POTUS in history to suffer this fate. Past presidents were able to have between 32 and 179 recess appointments each.
Second, the Republican Senate approves Trump’s nominations at the secretary level. They have not always been Trump’s friend. They are why Trump didn't get Ratcliffe and why he can't replace Wray at the FBI with someone who will clean up the mess.
Third, where are all the indictments after the FISA abuses were uncovered? AG Bar was given full declassification authority, but we've still got nothing.
Fourth, Wray at the FBI is still stonewalling. With all of the problems at the FBI, Wray suggests "training enhancements."
There needs to be a pack of wolves unleashed, and they come in the form of Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing. Trump should give them authority as White House presidential appointees, which means they do not need Senate confirmation.
Powell, DiGenova and Toensing should be a special liaison between the White House and the Department of Justice. They should have full declassification authority and should have the ability and authority to read anything and everything completely unredacted. They would brief Trump directly on all meetings within the DOJ and on these documents. They should report on progress or lack thereof.
Giuliani could serve in a similar role as a liaison between the White House and the FBI. He will have a similar role there to the three wolves embedded in the DOJ.
If anyone gets upset and quits, big yawn. Trump can follow the agency hierarchy policy and tap the next person in line for the job. This eliminates another Senate confirmation.
The wolves give Trump another set of eyes on things and can pinpoint the foot-dragging.
After the People see the wolves appointed, the odds will be very good that Trump will be re-elected, keep the Senate and win back the House.
In the new term, if we can get a 60-seat majority in the Senate, Rudy becomes the new FBI Director and Sidney Powell becomes the new Attorney General.
It’s time to blow the lid off the Deep State, and Trump will have four more years to do it if all the pieces fall into place.

