Drivers Licenses for Illegal Aliens: How To Handle It

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Dealing with states granting drivers licenses to illegal aliens.

This article is from Februrary 2, 2020. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.

I am a firm supporter of states’ rights as outlined in the US Constitution. I believe that the People of a particular state have a right to determine their society and their laws as long as they don't violate the US Constitution. It’s one of the things that creates true diversity and liberty in America. We all have the choice to move to states where we feel most comfortable and where most things coincide with our views of taxation, laws and values.

It’s for those reasons why I do not explode over states awarding a drivers license to an illegal alien. It is the wish of those citizens to bestow such a privilege on someone who is here illegally in the United States. However, the problem with this is that a drivers license is currently recognized as legitimate identification across all state lines. As a result, this decision by particular states to award drivers licenses to illegal aliens now becomes the problem of us all and threatens our security and our safety.  These illegal aliens can now migrate to other parts of the country and use their drivers licenses as valid identification.
Because ALL states have states’ rights granted under the US Constitution, it is time for law-abiding states to REJECT the drivers licenses as legitimate ID from those states that award drivers licenses to illegal aliens. Want to drive through our state? Fine. Drive. But you cannot use your drivers license for legitimate identification in any other transaction in our state. If you move to our state, you will not be allowed to get a drivers license based on your previous license. You will need other valid identification to relocate here, to get a drivers license here, to apply for a bank account or a loan, or to transact any other business.
This would NOT be an outlandish idea. There are MANY legal issues that are not carried across state lines. Gun possession and other gun laws are not necessarily recognized across state lines. Divorce laws and other civil matters are unrecognized across state lines. So do it! Protect the safety and security of citizens in your state by rejecting licenses granted to illegal aliens as legitimate identification.
I believe in States’ Rights and the right of every state to exercise those rights.