Don't Buy Into the Income Inequality Propaganda

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There has been -- and will always be -- income inequality.

This article is from February 3, 2020. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.

Income Inequality exists, has always existed, and will continue to always exist. It exists in Free Enterprise and even in socialism and communism.
In Free Enterprise, it exists because there is inequality in the characteristics possessed by citizens in the areas of motivation, creativity, skills, training, education, ingenuity, intensity, dedication, work ethic, passion, communication, patience, leadership, loyalty, et al.
Even siblings -- and even TWINS, born from the same parents, with the same education, with the same nurturing and environment, achieve differently.  If it cannot be controlled and harnesed in that situation, it certainly has little hope of being achieved outside of that situation.
The free exchange of goods and services and the opportunity for all to take part in that free exchange is still the best way for individuals to lift themselves to higher financial and economic success.
No one of wealth ever kept me from earning mine.