Today's Democrat Socialists Are the Enemy

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Do not try to conflate the Democrat of 2020 with the JFK Democrat.

There are some who quote Thomas Jefferson often these days when it comes to politics and friendship.  In a letter to William Hamilton in April of 1800, Jefferson wrote: "I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend."

That was fine and dandy in 1800.  It was even fine and dandy in the days of JFK.  Things began to turn drastically south during the Carter Adminstration, and once Reagan took office there was no looking back.  From those times to the present, Democrats have lurched further and further not only to the Left, but to an anti-American stance in their politics.

The United States was founded and framed around three main tenets: the Constitution (the rule of law), Free Enterprise and Individual Liberty.

There is no Democrat politician today who defends the US Constitution and the process for changing it. They want to take away the inalienable right to bear arms. They don't defend freedom of speech unless it is against the country and in favor of their platforms. They don't honor states' rights and the separation of powers contained in the 9th and 10 Amendments. They refuse to enforce the immigration law.  They take away the right to life of the unborn. The list of their attacks on the Constitution are almost endless, but the worst offense of all is that they try to bypass the amendment process of the Constitution by taking their cases to activist judges in the courts or writing unconstitutional laws in the Legislative Branch to circumvent the rights of citizens.

There is no Democrat politician today who promotes Free Enterprise -- the voluntary exchange of goods and services and labor and earned assets. Democrats today tinker with almost every phase of our economic system in an effort to pick winners and losers.  They want the federal government to take over business economic sectors -- student loans, health care, setting minimum wages outside the rule of supply and demand, government loans, government grants, government subsidies that provide unfair advantages in the private sector.

There is no Democrat politician today who nurtures Individual Liberty. Democrats today constantly browbeat individuals with propaganda in an effort to create guilt over their financial/economic success.  They do this to try to make it easier to take the assets of productive citizens and redistribute them to unproductive citizens. Today's Democrat is about the Marxist philosophy of "the collective."  Charity is supposed to be voluntary, not forced by the government.

These fundamental contrasts to our founding tenets have damaged and continue to damage our societies across all levels of city, state and federal institutions.  These fundamental contrasts turn our institutions and our citizens on their heads. 

These fundamental transformations are real, but the first one to actually come out and state it was Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the United States.  I knew what he was saying the first time the words fell from his lying lips.  I knew that to change fundamentals means to change EVERYTHING from top to bottom.  Obama scoffed.  His followers scoffed.  They all STILL scoff at the idea that his words meant that.  But what else could they have meant?  Democrats have been trying to overturn everything fundamental to our founding and framing. 

It's what Marxists do.

1. They deny what they're doing.
2. They accuse their opponents of doing what THEY are actually doing.

We see these playbook tactics used repeatedly.

It is for all of the reasons stated here that I view devout Democrats as the Enemy.  They are trying to overturn everything fundamental to our society -- by any means necessary, and with the idea that their end always justifies the means -- even lying.

Ladies and gentlemen, we're not debating whether or not a federal courthouse should be built instead of doing repairs on the interstate highway system.  The debate has devolved into taking assets from people in Seattle to take care of other people in Mississippi.  That was never intended to be by the Founders and Framers.

So today, in 2020, Jefferson's statement to William Hamilton means nothing to me because today's Democrat is not the Democrat of Jefferson's time -- or even the Democrat of 1970. 

A friend, who happens to be a devout Democrat today, wants to undermine our society, seize my assets, force me to be charitable, weaken our country and destroy our way of life.  Democrats and their political leaders today are all -- on various levels -- one big confiscating, banning, regulating, seizing, taxing, rights-violating, controlling conglomeration of LIB socialist elitists.

These people are not our friends, and I view them no differently than a foreign enemy seeking to weaken and destroy our country.
