I'm mindful of the cost associated with running a revive of Runescape

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Another thing to consider purchasing is an DDS to match your specific weapon (if you don't already). It is cheap, and includes a fantastic offensive feature that will make your task easier (if you want to feel great after two solid hits). If you intend to kill a lot RS Gold, you should be working towards finishing the Hard Seer's Village diary in order to get the upgraded Excalibur, which is a powerful healing weapon (+200 lp every 5 minutes isn't something to shrug at). It has some high requirements however it's definitely worth the effort.

If you have any queries about slaying, feel free to join me in game (Dimosthimise) or message me here on Sal's. Seers Village Diary upgraded Excal is an L0L to me simply because, depending on your master slayer, you'll not need to heal. One aspect I must add to DDS is that it BEATS CLAWS because you can use it on four different monsters.

It's pretty accurate, and it does not consume a large portion of the bar that is special (claws are great for bosses and PvP because they have the potential to do lots of damage in a very short period of time. Slayer however, even if you're looking for damage isn't necessary to spend 100% on only 8 hits (with 4 of them probably being less than 100). Also, Korasi is a pretty great special weapon (besides DDS) and is extremely effective on metal drags.

For money, you really shouldn't be depending on herb drops because, really, they aren't of much value anymore after Sorceress' Garden bots were in control. In the next step, if you've got the slayer, you could visit Abberbant spectres RS3 Accounts. They'll drop plenty of herbs as well as high level herb seeds, andwill give you around 500k/hour, and isn't overly populated with bots.
