RINO List: House of Representatives

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A list of all the RINOs who voted for HR1044/S386 to offshore US jobs to India and their primary opponents.

DistrictRINO (voted for HR1044)Primary opponentTwitterWebsite
AL 1st Byrne, Bradley    
AL 2nd Roby, Martha    
AK Young, Don    
AZ 6th Schweikert, David    
AZ 8th Lesko, Debbie    
AR 1st Crawford, Eric    
AR 2nd Hill, French    
AR 3rd Womack, Steve    
AR 4th Westerman, Bruce    
CA 1st LaMalfa, Doug    
CA 8th Cook, Paul    
CA 22nd Nunes, Devin    
CA 23rd McCarthy, Kevin    
CA 42nd Calvert, Ken    
CO 3rd Tipton, Scott    
CO 4th Buck, Ken    
CO 5th Lamborn, Doug    
FL 1st Gaetz, Matt    
FL 4th Rutherford, John    
FL 6th Waltz, Michael    
FL 12th Bilirakis, Gus    
FL 15th Spano, Ross    
FL 16th Buchanan, Vern    
FL 18th Mast, Brian    
FL 25th Diaz-Balart, Mario    
GA 7th Woodall, Rob    
GA 8th Scott, Austin    
GA 10th Hice, Jody    
GA 14th Graves, Tom    
ID 1st Fulcher, Russ    
ID 2nd Simpson, Mike    
IL 12th Bost, Mike    
IL 13th Davis, Rodney    
IL 15th Shimkus, John    
IL 16th Kinzinger, Adam    
IL 18th LaHood, Darin    
IN 2nd Walorski, Jackie    
IN 3rd Banks, Jim    
IN 4th Baird, James    
IN 5th Brooks, Susan    
IN 6th Pence, Greg    
IN 8th Bucshon, Larry    
IN 9th Hollingsworth, Trey    
KS 1st Marshall, Roger    
KS 2nd Watkins, Steven    
KS 4th Estes, Ron   
KY 1st Comer, James    
KY 2nd Guthrie, Brett    
KY 4th Massie, Thomas    
KY 5th Rogers, Hal    
KY 6th Barr, Andy    
MI 4th Moolenaar, John    
MI 6th Upton, Fred    
MI 7th Walberg, Tim    
MI 10th Mitchell, Paul    
MN 1st Hagedorn, Jim    
MN 6th Emmer, Tom    
MN 8th Stauber, Pete    
MS 3rd Guest, Michael Tulp, Jamesjamestulpjamestulp.com
MS 4th Palazzo, Steven    
MO 2ndWagner, Ann    
MO 3rd Luetkemeyer, Blaine    
MO 4th Hartzler, Vicky    
MO 6th Graves, Sam    
MO 7th Long, Billy    
MO 8th Smith, Jason    
MT Gianforte, Greg    
NE 2nd Bacon, Don    
NV 2nd Amodei, Mark    
NJ 4th Smith, Chris    
NY 1st Zeldin, Lee    
NY 2nd King, Pete    
NY 21st Stefanik, Elise    
NY 23rd Reed, Tom    
NY 24th Katko, John    
NY 27th Collins, Chris    
NC 2nd Holding, George    
NC 7th Rouzer, David Peter D-Abrosca pdabrosca https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfyt7iqpCRA 
NC 10th McHenry, Patrick    
NC 13th Budd, Ted    
ND Armstrong, Kelly    
OH 1st Chabot, Steve    
OH 2nd Wenstrup, Brad    
OH 4th Jordan, Jim    
OH 5th Latta, Robert    
OH 6th Johnson, Bill    
OH 7th Gibbs, Bob    
OH 10thTurner, Michael    
OH 12th Balderson, Troy    
OH 14thJoyce, David   
OH 15th Stivers, Steve    
OH 16th Gonzalez, Anthony    
OK 1st Hern, Kevin    
OK 2nd Mullin, Markwayne    
OK 3rdLucas, Frank    
OK 4th Cole, Tom    
OR 2nd Walden, Greg    
PA 1st Fitzpatrick, Brian    
PA 9th Meuser, Daniel    
PA 10th Perry, Scott    
PA 11th Smucker, Lloyd    
PA 12th Keller, Fred    
PA 14th Reschenthaler, Guy    
PA 15th Thompson, Glenn    
PA 16th Kelly, Mike    
SC 2nd Wilson, Joe    
SC 4th Timmons, William    
SC 7th Rice, Tom    
TN 1st Roe, Phil    
TN 3rd Fleischmann, Chuck    
TN 6th Rose, John    
TX 2nd Crenshaw, Dan    
TX 3rd Taylor, Van   
TX 4th Ratcliffe, John    
TX 5th Gooden, Lance    
TX 8th Brady, Kevin    
TX 10th McCaul, Michael    
TX 12thGranger, Kay Chris PutnamPutnamForTexashttp://www.putnamfortexas.com
TX 13th Thornberry, Mac    
TX 14th Weber, Randy Joshua FoxworthFoxworthFor14http://www.foxworthforcongress.com/
TX 17th Flores, Bill    
TX 22nd Olson, Pete    
TX 23rd Hurd, Will    
TX 25th Williams, Roger    
TX 31st Carter, John    
TX 36th Babin, Brian   
UT 1st Bishop, Rob    
UT 2nd Stewart, Chris    
UT 3rd Curtis, John    
VA 1st Wittman, Robert    
VA 5th Riggleman, Denver    
VA 6th Cline, Ben    
VA 9th Griffith, Morgan    
WA 3rd Herrera Beutler, Jaime    
WA 4th Newhouse, Dan    
WA 5th McMorris Rodgers, Cathy    
WV 1st McKinley, David    
WV 3rd Miller, Carol    
WI 1stSteil, Bryan    
WI 8th Gallagher, Mike    
Steven Whitson 4 yrs

These people need to be “primaried” out in the next elections.

Lordnjo777 4 yrs

bout 1 hour ago Joan "Joie" Ngirmidol Joan "Joie" Ngirmidol less than a minute ago Thank you God for Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann! The hour is darker then we think! Zuckerberg, The Deep State, in bed with China, OBAMA and Rat'! They have been using "Heavy Metal Chemical's in Homeless Shelter's, Mental Hospital's and Elderly Home's! Gang Stalked and Poisoned with, Thallium, Thorium, Uranium and multiple other poison's, since 2013, by the Grace of God and the protection of of the Blood of Jesus, I have survived! Total demonic insanity! I am a72 year old women, retired RN, alone with no where to get help! If anyone can help me, I still have money to purchase my food and pay my way! Praying for help in Jesus name!
Joan "Joie" Ngirmidol
Joan "Joie" Ngirmidol
2 days ago
Dear Steve, I am currently in Raleigh NC! Massively corrupt. I have gone to the police, with no avail! There is a UPnP Broadcom controller obstructing most digital communication. I am seeking to live in a community of TRUE BELIEVER'S! Can you help me? Please email me. I know all the work you have done for Jesus, and how intense the fight has become? Do you think Pastor Lankford could help me escape this sick effort to silence me, to murder me?
Joan "Joie" Ngirmidol
Joan "Joie" Ngirmidol
2 days ago
Evidence of Apple, Microsoft and all digital telecommunication company collusion with China! The very lost greedy NWO, Illuminati. Obama and Democrat's committing Genocide! Covid was the cover!