[PDF] On the Edge of Eden: A Story of a Beautiful Land and Beautiful People in the Midst of Brokenness by Tony Hammon

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[PDF] On the Edge of Eden: A Story of a Beautiful Land and Beautiful People in the Midst of Brokenness by Tony Hammon

On the Edge of Eden: A Story of a Beautiful Land and Beautiful People in the Midst of Brokenness by Tony Hammon

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  • On the Edge of Eden: A Story of a Beautiful Land and Beautiful People in the Midst of Brokenness
  • Tony Hammon
  • Page: 454
  • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
  • ISBN: 9781632219374
  • Publisher: Xulon Press


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Free books free download pdf On the Edge of Eden: A Story of a Beautiful Land and Beautiful People in the Midst of Brokenness


Three questions rocked the author's life: The first, in the early 70's when Tony, as a marine biology teacher was confronted with: "What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" (Mark 8:36). He thought, "What good is it for me to produce the best marine biologist in the world, if they never know Christ?" That launched his lifelong journey in Christian education. Then two other questions from Richard Sterns, drove him to say yes to the presidency of IACCS. "What if there are children who will suffer somehow because I failed to obey God?" "What if my cowardice costs even one child somewhere in the world his or her life?" Those questions sparked a "Popeye" moment. He, like Popeye, said, "I can't stands it; I can't stands it no more!" He had to do something! This book is a call to action. The work is essential: We are educating educators, to train the next generation to be future leaders of their nation. Leaders of Ugandan churches, orphanages, and schools all face daily crisis. Death is all around them; and it's going to take far more than posting a photo of a child on a refrigerator in America and sending a $30/month check to make a significant impact. All proceeds from this book will be given to IACCS and the children they serve. All proceeds from this book will be given to IACCS and the children they serve. Tony has spent his life living in the Florida Keys. He has been a biology/marine biology teacher, principal superintendent, pastor, and currently president of IACCS. He started his teaching career as an atheist, but soon became a follower of Christ. He and his wife Colleen, have traveled extensively and enjoys water whether frozen or liquid - diving, surfing, snow skiing, fishing.

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Once convinced that they can help, people tend to change both their attitude and till there be no place that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth. The beauty of nature includes all that is called beautiful, as its flower, and all to the edge of the sea, where the drama of life played its first scene on earth and  On the Edge of Eden: A Story of a Beautiful Land - Amazon.se
On the Edge of Eden: A Story of a Beautiful Land and Beautiful People in the Midst of Brokenness: Hammon, Tony: Amazon.se: Books. Story | Eden.Babel
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