Red Skin Around Eyes Baby

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Do you suffer from small, white pimples under the eye, the so-called milia? We inform you here about the causes of skin diseases around the eye and explain how you can treat them.

Hailstone, barley grain, milia, dry eyes and eyelids? Is your eye or eyelid itchy and feels dry? Do you have red, crusty and burning eyelid edges? Is the skin around your eye red and swollen? Do you suffer from small, white pimples under the eye, the so-called milia? We inform you here about the causes of skin diseases around the eye and explain how you can treat them.

Red Skin Around Eyes Baby;

Compared to the rest of the body skin, the area around the eyes is much thinner. There is little firming subcutaneous fat. The skin there therefore hardly stores any moisture. And unlike anywhere else on your body, the skin around your eyes also has significantly less sebum glands, around 20 to 25 per eyelid. These include so-called Zeis glands and Meibomian glands. The Zeis glands open into the hair follicles of the eyelashes. They produce sebum (sebum), which nourishes the eyelashes and makes the top layer of skin (horny layer) water-repellent, smooth and shiny. The meibomian glands provide fat for the tear film. It protects the surface of the eye and ensures that the tear fluid does not evaporate too quickly. So the eyelids can slide easily over the eye with every blink. Dried, you may know the secretion of the meibomian glands as "sleeping sand".


Because you blink about 30,000 times a day, the skin and muscles around your eyes are in constant motion. This strains the skin and is not without consequences in the long run: the skin around the eye therefore loses elasticity and resilience at a comparatively early stage. Over time, the first irregularities in the complexion around the eyes appear: it becomes blotchy. In addition, due to the facial expressions, small wrinkles appear around the eye (so-called crow's feet). In the skin itself, the supporting function of the connective tissue deteriorates. The skin becomes even thinner and its supply of nutrients more irregular. Bluish shadows around the eyes (dark circles) are a sign of thinning of the skin: because the little fat tissue is broken down, the muscles shine through more.


You have to know: Sunlight and an unhealthy lifestyle (stress, little sleep, poor nutrition, consumption of drugs such as nicotine and alcohol) additionally intensify the described skin changes.
