The US Is At War !

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This is a blog post I made a few months ago on my personal blog.

I have been asked several times over the last few weeks what my opinion is concerning COVD19 and though I have given short opinions here and there, I will give my full opinion now. Before I get going I should probably explain where I stand politically.
 For the majority of my life, I considered myself a liberal. I would have to be asked now on each and every subject that comes up where I stand on it, but here is a small list of my views. I do not care what color you are therefore I do not care about your race. I do not believe in white privilege. I do not care about your religious preference. Your relationship with God is yours alone. I do care if your religious preference may be forced on me. I will resist. I do not care if you are gay, trans, bi or anything else you choose for your sexuality. I do care if you use that sexual classification to force me to change how I live or speak. I disagreed with the "cake" case. A private business owner does not have to do anything they do not want to do for whatever reason. Find another baker not a lawyer. I also disagree with the clerk in Texas who refused to give out a marriage license to a gay couple. The difference between those two cases were that the clerk is a civil servant, not a private business owner. She is required to do her job without her personal views. That is a neutral government employee. She was incorrect in using her religion to back her refusal to provide the license. You cannot stand in front of the US flag and pick and choose what citizen you will provide a service for as a government employee. Our military does not fight for one class or color of people alone. They do not fight for one religion. They put their lives on the line for this country, in whole. not segregated, not separated, not Republican or Democratic, not Christian or Muslim. They take an oath to protect the constitution, which is in place to protect our nation. I have no problem with any statue or what it may represent. Statues reflect history. History should be learned, not forgotten or changed. Even in your own life, your past defines what you have become in your present,. You  have the ability to change your future, you do not have the ability to change your past. You can accept it and realize you may have erred , I have erred so many times I can't count. That is part of the human experience. That is also part of a country's historical growth. I am not a conspiracy theorist (though I was recently called one) but I still can't get around the fact that a Boeing 757 with a wingspan of 125 feet can't fit into a hole 65 feet wide without sheering off the wings. I do not believe cops are corrupt. I do believe some cops are corrupt. I have never been arrested. My father told me very young, "If you get stopped by the police you say yes sir, no mam and do not argue." He was correct. In every situation I have ever had with the police, I kept that in mind and though I have never been arrested, I could have been, more than once. I think my father's advice was solid and respecting the police can go a long way in how the police will respect you, even when you are screwing up. I believe God provides the spark of life and therefore I am pro-life. If you choose to have an abortion, that is on you, not me. I do not think a single taxpayer dollar should support your choice though. Planned Parenthood is a front. They are not concerned with women's health. I could go on and on but I would have to be presented with each individual issue to give my thoughts on it. I hope these examples give enough of an idea where I stand.
 The first President I supported was Jimmy Carter. Two reasons, I liked him and he was a born again Christian. At the time my father supported Reagan. I considered Reagan a puppet and a talking head. My dad and I butted heads quite a few times that election year. The problem in the end with Carter was his bleeding heart was too big. Reagan surrounded himself with a very good cabinet and went on to transform this country. I still think he was a puppet, but he was damned good puppet. Bush SR followed Reagan (I did not vote that election). I just didn't care. Then along comes Clinton. Clinton rode the wave created by Reagan but behind the scenes a change was beginning. I could go into depth over the Lewinski scandal but I will keep it short. Monica was of age. I do think she was fully involved with Bill. I also think she was tossed away as trash when it became public. That was the first very public realization that the Clinton's were ruthless, held true power within their lives and in this country. It exists to this day.Bush W followed Clinton and the country dropped like a hot potato. I did not like W, I thought he was a bit of a dolt. Not trying to piss off any loyal Texans, it's just my opinion. 9-11 hit and the country was revitalized through patriotism. Following W was Obama. Before I get any further in all of this I want to state I have supported every POTUS we have had. If our president is successful , our country should be successful (you would think). From the Obama years we have seen the rumblings of the war to come.
 The rise of social media brought instant access to anything and everything. As social media rose, main stream media (MSM) faltered. All businesses in this country rely on one thing. Profits. With the fall in MSM viewership, what were once reliable news outlets  slowly changed to sensational "news" coverage. It didn't matter that 99.9 % of cops are good cops, one wanker in one state screwed up but it was blasted non-stop and on repeat. School shootings were the same. Hands Up Don't Shoot (never happened) but was responsible for the riots pushed on by the MSM non-stop FALSE coverage. CNN. NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NPR all jumped on the wagon to boost viewership. #metoo  became a fad, the Kavanagh hearings were a clown show. I am not going to name off everything the MSM got wrong in the last ten years because just about everything they reported was wrong. The biggest thing they got wrong though was Obama. Obama was not our greatest president. Obama's legacy is one of divisiveness "racism is in our DNA" NO IT IS NOT ! In it's drive for viewers the MSM was all too happy to blast these stories non-stop. It is exhausting to even watch at this point. Many of us have seen a car crash. We slow down and stop and stare. It is unusual to see them, but it happens. We also drive by thousands of cars every day, and flowers, and families and churches and schools with kids (of all colors, religions backgrounds) playing and so much more, but we slow down for the crash. The news will carry the crash. If it is bad enough, they will repeat it fir days. Our lives are not full of car crashes. Our lives are full of much more that we never really see and is not often reported. It won't sell.
Please read the following quotes :

Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will.
A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.
Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.
The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.
Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose.
We shall reach our goal, when we have the power to laugh as we destroy, as we smash, whatever was sacred to us as tradition, as education, and as human affection.
Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state has its roots in the street.

These are quotes from Joseph Goebbels,  Reich Minister of Propaganda Nazi Germany.

The first war is for your mind. It is happening right in front of you. EVERYDAY ON EVERY MSM OUTLET. Be careful trying to call it out for what it is too. I was thrown in "Facebook jail" for DENOUNCING Goebbels and his media control techniques. Strange isn't it ? Facebook throws a 30 day ban at me and threatens a perma ban because I DENOUNCED NAZI propaganda techniques? That is laughable and scary at the same time. Some faceless individual is clicking on you and controlling what you can or cannot say and how dare you condemn a NAZI !!! Know your history or be doomed to repeat it. The brownshirts have become ANTIFA. MSM is in line with the Democratic party pushing a political and often false narrative down your throat every single day ! Goebbels was right. We are proving him right. The first war is for your mind, and we are loosing it.

The second war is for your children. It is being waged in your schools, universities, colleges and campuses across this country. I have massive amounts of respect for educators. They are tireless individuals in a profession often looked at with disdain. That does not mean I agree with what is being taught. I pay extremely close attention to my step son's school work. I have discussed with him that no teacher can teach him religion (separation of church and state)  No teacher can teach him politics (right or left). I ask him quite often if he has been taught anything good or bad about our president, or our state or our country. Luckily we are in Texas, and a very red rural area of Texas and it has not infiltrated our schools as bad as it has in some areas of the country. The rise of Bernie Sanders(Marxist), safe spaces, gender equality (sorry two genders - X Y - da dee da dee da deee dat's all folks) Democratic SOCIALISM  and the calls for revolution are not for the current generation. This is a long standing plan to weaken US resolve and faith in our Constitutional REPUBLIC. Bernie was never going to win, Bernie knew that. Bernie is paving a road for someone else to walk on into the Oval Office. It all starts with what we teach our children. I will dumb this down very easily. Teach. READING. Every child should read. WRITING. Every child should be proficient in writing. MATH. Every child should know how to add, subtract, multiply and divide. HISTORY. Every child should know that being a US Citizen means you are living in the greatest, most giving, most open and free country in the history of this planet. You are an American. Be proud of yourself and your country and honor your flag. Even with all of our warts there is NOT a country more beautiful and as accepting as ours. NO WHERE on this planet does one exist like we do. Our country seems to be split, almost 50/50. That tells you that the second war is continuing. I read an article last year - I wish I had a link but it summed it up with a comparison that in the 70s, even with the sexual revolution and peaceniks of the 60s and riots and on and on, almost 80 % of Americans supported our Constitution, understood the dangers of Socialism Communism and were PROUD to be AMERICAN.  What is it now ? 50/50 ? If true that is a 20% gain for the far left. That is the battle shifting. It must shift back. That shift brings us to the third war.

The third war is best represented by COVD19. It did not start in December in Wuhan. The ground work and battle plan was laid long before the first case. I am NOT saying the coronavirus is a man made weapon, but it has been weaponized none the less. First let's look at the last 11 or so years of our political history. Obama and the Clinton's maintained a power hold on our political landscape and our position in the world. It was steady but stagnant. It was made to divide the masses in the US while relegating our industries to other parts of the world. 1.5 billion on pallets sent to Iran to appease their regime. Movement of massive US industry to China, Taiwan, Mexico and more... back door deals to VP Biden and his family. The Clinton foundation raking in billions for political favors. Everyone had everyone else's back because ALL OF THEM WERE GETTING RICH. Our government was just a face (and still is) for back room handouts and good ole boy pats on the back. The press got in line. Obama was the man ! Hillary is next ! Keep that train running. In the meantime the other cogs in the propaganda machine were turning and they were turning you and I against each other. If we are focused on the big lie, we will never see what they are truly doing. We are racists and xenophobic, We are trans-phobic, homophobic and arguing over gender identities. Those damned cops are killing all the black people. The government and schools and media continually throw horrific car crashes at us daily. We can't turn away. They have the power and they are NOT going to lose it. 2016 comes along and with a ride down an escalator the train that had been built up in our government and media and schools and society by the powers that be, here in the US and over seas just got derailed. The US took a right turn throwing the train off the tracks. The man on that escalator was Donald J Trump. Billionaire businessman. We all knew Trump. He is arrogant. He is crude. He is straight on, no BS. He is egotistical. He was NOT a politician. He was a joke. It was almost laughable until he started speaking. What we didn't know about Trump was he is an American. Yes, we knew he was a New Yorker and American but he was more than just that. HE WAS AMERICAN and proud of it. That resonated. It was something we had not heard since REAGAN ! Make America Great Again ! The left wanted you believe that was divisive. It was not , it was unifying. Trump did not care if you were black or white, Christian, Muslim, Jew or Catholic. He did not care if you were a wall street tycoon or a factory worker in Michigan. He cared that you were AMERICAN and he wanted YOU TO SUCCEED. The media piled on and laughed at him. He didn't stop. He stayed his course. His eye on the one job he could have that would really make a difference in his country. To the shock of the world. He won. To the dismay of the media, the bureaucrats in DC, to China, the socialists, Hollywood and all who propped up the dismantling of our Union the worst possible thing happened. Trump won and even more, our country began changing. The stock market rose, jobs became easily available,  that "racism" wasn't really there after all. Americans became successful again and boy did those powers that were not like it. I am going to type 4 words 3 times. It will prove my point. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, MUELLER MUELLER MUELLER, UKRAINE UKRAINE UKRAINE, IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT. And now, FAIL FAIL FAIL. It did not matter what was thrown at our president, he came out fine. Our country came out fine. This can't happen. It is not in the plan. Huge tariffs on China. China's economy is tanking. There is civil unrest in Hong Kong and those bastards are waving American flags and Trump posters. This is a very simplified explanation of what we have seen over the last 11 years. This is a societal, political and world war being fought on battlefields with policies, not soldiers. Enter COVD19. As I said, I do not know if it was man made. I would hope not, but it did start in Wuhan China, the home of their largest biotech lab. The way it was weaponized is easy to follow. China shut up. They are a Communist Dictatorship and they literally shut up and ALLOWED the world to be infected. The goal. Tank the US. We are the ONLY threat to Communist China. They know they can't start shooting off nukes. But they can shut up and allow a highly contagious "new" virus to just do whatever it wants, which is infect, transfer, infect. It is curious to note the rise of Joe Biden (China sympathizer, bought and paid for) with little or no effort from his own confused mind. Bernie took his bow. The media has their BIG LIE (Goebbels). The economy IS tanking. The jobs are leaving. The market has crashed. Trump is under fire, far worse than he has been to this point. November is looming. It is two minutes to midnight. That doomsday clock is ticking. War ravages as it always does. China doesn't care. If they did, they would have notified the entire world there was a HUGE problem brewing in Wuhan. This is the third war and it is a WORLD WAR.

I cannot predict the future. I can only really look at the past and see what we are here in America and have been when faced with danger. In one word, like no other country on this earth, we are UNSTOPPABLE. Trump will not quit. It is not in his nature. He's an American after all, and we don't quit. I think the next few months will be very hard. But I also think the next few months will change the course of our history. I can't imagine communist or socialist sympathy once the entire truth is out about all of this. Democratic Governors are already changing their political views. Though we do have some young immature idiots partying on the beaches, the majority of us are listening to our President and doing what we need to do to weather this storm. When it has passed (my best guess is June/July) THEY will have failed again.

Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor wrote in his diary, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

Yamamoto was correct.

WW3 is being waged. America will win.

Take care, stay safe and stay away from me..... social distancing folks !
