What stages do you reckon i should get

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My money-making methods are cheap OSRS gold purely old-fashioned, unfortunately, with the exception of 2. Which I don't think you'd enjoy. These two are: cutting (and I'm talking about dice-dueling but not hosting, however) however, this is determined by a 50/50 odds and you have the potential to get cleaned or win a bank (I got cleaned twice, but, since I really did not have a lot of money I didn't care about it. It was a long way to 10M, got cleaned in the next 300K increment, reached 18M. And I'm getting to stop here after winning EIGHT multiple times, which is a 1 in 5 chance( )

You can PK'ing (which I'm fairly certain that you would not want to do.) However, you can whip iron dragons perfectly, it's not that difficult. Worst comes worse, use fire blast. Then Duradel is adamant about assigning extremely difficult jobs to 100+ CB and I would only recommend him if you're over 115 CB (but in the event that you are able to use Kuradel you should definitely use it).

Personally, I'd never suggest that you buy Bandos in your CB (if you're not 100plus yet!) I would suggest that you train your numbers more before making an make the attempt. But, if you must, Abberant spectres are pretty good, at least I'd say.

I would like to join a corp and go through GwD. What stages do you reckon i should get, before trying to play? I'm planning to fight, and be with a gang of 100+ cb clan mates. Do you think I could be a good candidate for these lvls tho? I'm also looking for suggestions about what items to include into inventory and what equipment to equip.

I'd like to work with corp the most old school runescape gold btw... Also , how many people in the 100+ CB group do I need to choose? Thanks for any advice! For GWD dung with a team there should be at least 80 people, but with some clan members on the bigger side (Maybe more than 7 persons with tanks? ).
