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Every one of us who has trusted the Master Yahshua Messiah as Saviour, has a relationship to Him. This relationship can be viewed in various ways.





Every one of us who has trusted the Master Yahshua Messiah as Saviour, has a relationship to Him. This relationship can be viewed in various ways.


We have a relationship to Him as Creator to creature. We have a relationship as Savioursaved; we have a relationship as King-ambassador; as High Priest-priest, as Brotherbrother; as Redeemer-kinsman; as Potter-clay; as Master-disciple; as Friend to friend. And yet, encompassing every aspect of our relationship to the Saviour, is this great, mysterious relationship of love.


The Father initiated a relationship to us because of love - because of His eternal, compelling, immeasurable love. Look how John expresses it in his first epistle:


“The one who does not love has not known Elohim, because YAHWEH is love. By this was the love of Elohim towards us made known, because YAHWEH sent his only-begotten Son into the world, that we might live by Him. In this is love, not that we loved YAHWEH, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the atonement for our sins.” 1 John 4:8-10 [Hebraic Roots Bible, Literal Translation]


*Yahweh's character is only true love. His Instructions and commands are only an extension of His character and love for mankind. One can memorize the Bible from cover to cover but if he is not obedient to YAHWEH’S Instructions and does not have genuine Elohim guided love for his neighbor, then it is all vanity and meaningless and self-righteous.


Love pursued us, and love won us! Yes, YAHWEH’S pure, unselfish love! And yet, love is not content to remain all alone. Love expects a response. Love seeks love; and love begets love. And the Father expects the loving response of His sons and daughters. Love. HalleluYAH!


But there is a deeper reason why our relationship to the Master Yahshua Messiah is essentially a love relationship. It’s because the Father planned that the corporate Body of all believers of this present age (from Pentecost to the Rapture), should become the Bride of His Son.


“This is a profound mystery - but I am speaking with reference to the Messiah and the Congregation/Ekklesia (the corporate Body).” Ephesians 5:32


Ekklesia is the Greek word Paul uses to express this truth of the corporate Body of believers. Some use the use the word “congregation or church,” and that’s all right as long as we understand by that term, the corporate body of believers. (The English word “church” however, is a much-confused term today. It is generally used for everything except the true meaning of Ekklesia.).


My friend, I want this thrilling truth to grip you. I pray it will so possess you, that it will awaken you to the reality of who you are, and what you mean to the Redeemer Master Yahshua Messiah. If it does, it can change your thinking, and change your life. It can powerfully motivate your life and make you a vital instrument in the building and edifying of the Ekklesia - the Body of the Messiah.


You, believer, are not merely a saved sinner! (Praise Yahweh that you are indeed that!). But you are a member of the Bride of Messiah (Christ). You are a greatly privileged saint who has been chosen to share the most intimate fellowship with YAHWEH’S Anointed Son throughout eternity.


This is the greatest privilege any person could possibly have! Can you think of any other privilege at all, that can compare with this?


You might have the privilege of belonging to a wealthy family. You might rise to become a respected ruler in your country. You might have the privilege of being born into a noble royal family, and of being an heir to the throne of a great kingdom. Would any of this compare with the privilege of belonging to the Bride who will reign with the Messiah throughout eternity?


Think, however you will! You might have the blessing of having a most beautiful, handsome, intelligent, qualified, successful, compatible partner in life. That would be wonderful, but your partner would pale in comparison to the King of Glory!


Can you name anything on earth, believer, that compares to the privilege of belonging to the Bride of Messiah?


I think of certain Bible characters. There was ABRAHAM – the Friend of YAHWEH. What a privilege he had! Before YAHWEH destroyed Sodom, He said, “I must tell My friend, Abraham.”


Then Abraham had his faith tested by the MASTER. And he was privileged, by grace, to come through the test triumphantly, and to become "the father of the faithful." But you and I, dear believer, have the greater privilege of being included in the Bride of YAHWEH’S Son.


Then there was JOB. He had the great privilege of being tested and tried so that his faith might be found unshake-able. He was permitted to be tried to the utmost. Many of us may never have such a deep experience, but we have the experience of belonging to the Bride of the Messiah.


JACOB was chosen to become the father of the chosen nation, Israel. YAHWEH’S love for Jacob was so great, that His love for Esau looked like hatred. Jacob was privileged, but not so greatly as are believers of the Bride!


DAVID was greatly privileged. YAHWEH loved him, chose him to be the king of the chosen people. David was Elohim’s anointed. What a privilege. And yet, that privilege was not as wonderful as that which you and I have, who are the Bride of THE ANOINTED.


DANIEL was privileged. YAHWEH sent His personal messengers to close the mouths of the lions.


THE THREE who were cast into the fiery furnace were privileged to have the Son of YAHWEH join them there.


JOHN THE BAPTIST is called “the Friend of the Bridegroom,” but he did not have the privilege of becoming a member of the Bridegroom’s precious Bride.


Oh, none of these dear saints had the privilege that we believers have. We are the Bridegroom’s Beloved. And our relationship to Y’shua Messiah, is a love relationship - the deep love relationship of Bride and Bridegroom.


Can you see then how vital your relationship is? If YAHWEH the Almighty Living Elohim intended that all earthly marriage relationships should be based on love, how much more should this heavenly-ordained, eternal marriage of Messiah and the Body of the Messiah be a love relationship!


