What Are the Three Main Things You Should Look for When Buying Puppy Training Pads?

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Buying puppy training pads in order to teach your puppy where he can and cannot pee and poop is one of the best ways of training them.

Buying puppy training pads in order to teach your puppy where he can and cannot pee and poop is one of the best ways of training them. And in order to do so, you should pay a visit to your nearest pet warehouse and pick up some of those pads. This way you can also ask the people working there their opinion on which pads are the best and which you should use.

Why Are Puppy Training Pads a Very Good Idea?

Although some may think that teaching a puppy to do its business indoors can lead to them developing nasty habits, there are experts that strongly advice in favor of this. And that’s because they know that once the puppy has learned to use only a specific place in order to go, you can train them much easier as they grow older. Also, it is better for the puppy, when he is very young, to not be exposed to too much of the outdoors too soon.

That’s why puppy training pads are a great invention. They can be used in order to teach your pet discipline and also to make them understand that they need to obey a certain schedule. The pads should only be placed in a specific place around the house and not be left at the puppy’s disposal if they are not used. This way the puppy learns to associate the pad with the time they have to go out.

After using the puppy training pad to teach them to go in a specific place and at specific times, you can easily remove the pad and start taking them outside in order to get them accustomed to the outdoors. It is very important at this point to not let them use the pads again inside, unless there are special reasons for it. This way you can train your puppy to be obedient and to not make a mess wherever they feel like it.

How Long Should You Use Them?

It really depends on the puppy. All dogs can be trained. It’s just that some dogs are stronger willed than others, and might take you longer. As a rule of thumb, you should be able to have your puppy trained in using the pads and take him off of them in about 2 months, depending on the breed and how much time you dedicate to it.

What Are the Three Things You Should Look for When Buying Puppy Training Pads?

There are a lot of companies selling puppy training pads out there. So it is important to know which ones you should choose for your four legged friend. The first thing you should know is how absorbent the pads are. You don’t want to end up with puddles everywhere because the fabric in the pads gave out. This is why you should test the pads before buying them in bulk. A simple glass of water poured over one should do the trick. This way you can check if there are any leaks and if the liquid is contained successfully.

Another thing you should look for is what material are the puppy training pads made out of. Dogs have the tendency to chew everything they can get their teeth on, especially puppies. So you need to check and see if the pads are made using natural materials. Any other kind of material can end up in their stomach and can make them feel really sick, if they manage to swallow it. So always check before buying.

Lastly, you should make sure that the puppy training pads that you want to buy don’t have any fragrances or other smells. Sometimes, in order to help mask the smell of pee and feces, companies will add artificial fragrances to their pads. This can really confuse your puppy and can even make it refuse to use the pads.

Can a Pet Warehouse Employee Help Me Find the Right Pads for My Puppy?

Because there are a lot of options to choose from, when it comes to pads for your puppy, you can always ask a second opinion. A pet warehouse employee is the perfect person to call on in such a situation. And that’s because they usually have a pretty good idea about what they have in store and which are their best sellers and why.

Also, you can ask them to help you if you want to get your puppy to stop using the pads. Although a pet warehouse employee isn’t necessarily a trained dog trainer or vet, they are usually required to have some knowledge about how to deal with pets. After all, you don’t have to necessarily do what he tells you to. You can just see their opinion as nothing more than a suggestion.

Does a Pet Warehouse Have a Wide Variety of Pads to Choose from?

When buying puppy pads a pet warehouse is maybe the best way to go. That’s because they usually have a lot of options on hand and can even tell you which ones are better for you. Sure, you should always check with your vet about starting your puppy on pads, and he maybe even be able to give you a few for starters. But you should definitely be aware of any warehouse that sells pet products near you.

Also, buying form a pet warehouse has another great advantage. Usually, a warehouse sells things in bulk. That means that they have a different price, usually lower, than regular pet shops have. This way you can make sure that you get your puppy’s pads at a very good price.

Should I Use the Pads When the Weather Isn’t Nice?

Once you’ve taught your puppy to go outside, without the pad, you shouldn’t break the habit and confuse him. Although, in extreme situations, you can let them go inside on the pads. But make sure that they do not consider this an excuse to always go inside.
