The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia: The Danes and The Tribe of Dan

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We will discuss the history of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” and follow their ancient migrations into every corner of the Earth. The wandering of the Israelite tribe of Dan from ancient Greece to Central Asia and their subsequent migration to Europe will be discussed, based on the Old an

We will discuss the history of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” and follow their ancient migrations into every corner of the Earth. The wandering of the Israelite tribe of Dan from ancient Greece to Central Asia and their subsequent migration to Europe will be discussed, based on the Old and New Testaments, Icelandic Sagas, scientific and DNA data, Jewish Torah and secular writings. Many other sources will be brought to light for your consideration. You will certainly learn many new things contrary to your current understanding of the ancestral and cultural identity of many different nations of the World. You will also discover that modern historians and academia have either intentionally or mistakenly omitted certain historical information from the contemporary academic education curriculum. This has resulted in a completely different perspective of ancient history. This has resulted in the belief that the ancient Israelites are either “Lost” in history and/or the assertion that the modern Israeli’s are the last remnant of the descendants of the Israelite descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – both of which are not true. The Word of Bible is historically accurate, although subject to the prejudices and distortions of numerous translations by different cultures and linguistic imperfections. The Israelites were scattered throughout all corners of the Earth into every nation and kingdom, just as the Most High God AHAYAH (I AM that I AM, Exodus 3:13-15) said that they would be. We will discover part of the history of the ancient Israelites and their associations with the Scythians and Aryans of secular history. The Israelites became known as the Scythians and in Persia as the Parthians, after their assimilation with these peoples. They also became rulers of many of the foreign lands they migrated or were once enslaved in and founded many ancient empires because of their warrior prowess. The ancient origins of European nations and Scandinavians began with this massive migration of populations, even before the Diaspora in 722 B.C.
