How to promote this new conservative social netwok ?

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How to protect democracy by making Twitter, Facebook and Google less dominant and promote new alternative social networks.

Who are owners of this website. Did they try to contact prominent conservatives like Larry Elder, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hanity, D.Trump, Candace Owens to post here.

They have lot of Twitter, Facebook followers, so they can use their accounts to promote this new conservative social network. D.Trump has 80 million Twitter followers, so why he didnt repost all his tweets also here, so 80 million people know, that this social network exist.

I am not Christian/conservative but Google, Facebook, Twitter monopoly scares me. There should be much more social networks platforms for every big social group, not just 3. That is very bad for democracy.Did owners of this website ever try to contact people above. They can keep their old Twitter, Facebook accounts, but repost everything here. Use their old accounts to promote this new social network and try to make this one as big as Twitter, Facebook. There is also good new conservative search engine. Not as good as Google, but for political news, watching music, movies good enough.

Can anybody give me contact on owners of this website, so I can see how much users or for example " search conservative " search engine have and how can I help promote them. I am from Europe and not a Christian, but I feel that to protect democracy, there is really need to make Google, Facebook, Twitter less dominant. I worked in PR company in Europe and I can really help them.

All what big corporations want is create some global superstate with total control of freedom of speech, and then bully/cancel everyone who disagree. 

I dislike all of this. Quite opposite. I believe in direct democracy, where everyone can choose goverment he likes, country he want to live in. And everyone is equal and has as much as he need to be happy. 
