Differences Between Hemp Seed Oil and CBD Oil

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Public confusion on how hemp seed oil differs from that of CBD oil has led several non-profit hemp organizations to explain the difference between both oils to help consumers understand and prevent them from being misled of their intended uses.


Dealing with the Hemp Oil and CBD Oil Differences


Hemp is frequently misinterpreted for its famous cousin, marijuana, even though copious smoking amounts of hemp wouldn’t lead to any form of negative consciousness alterations, as hemp is low in THC levels. Confusion between hemp oil and CBD oil has increased in recent years, with U.S. states passing medical marijuana laws that allow the use of marijuana strains with low THC levels and high in CBD content. Consumers typically confuse hemp oil with CBD oils since both possess fewer THCs and have CBD.


With research and development of hemp programs kicking off and the hemp market rapidly growing, it’s essential that buyers and retailers alike understand the primary differences between both oils.


Hemp makers regarding such distinction call on CBD producers to brand and market their products in an honest manner, to prevent further confusion seen in CBD items found in stores.


Understanding CBD Products


While hemp oil does have lesser CBD levels (at 25 parts per million (ppm), CBD oils are either made directly from cannabis plants that have up to 15% or 150,000 ppm, or as an indirect co-product of cannabis plants mixed with stalks during the fibre processing of hemp stalk.


Due to such distinction, hemp producers need to understand how essential it is for local hemp growers and manufacturers to know that a majority of CB products with false “hemp oil” labels are large-scale hemp stalks made in European facilities, where fibre is deemed the primary material for large scale production.


Turning the Legal Tide


Even though hemp used to be a critical earner in the U.S. (more than that of wheat and corn combined), hemp was later banned and categorized as a Schedule I drug from the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. While Schedule I drugs meant hemp could no longer be grown in U.S. grounds, products consisting of hemp (like lotions, food, and fabric), can legally be bought in the country. They’re typically found in popular retailers such as Costco, Whole Foods, and Sprouts grocers.


But in 2001, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) aimed to turn the tide by trying to band individuals and manufacturers from selling and importing food items consisting of CBD oils and hemp seed oils. In response, the Hemp Industries Association sued the DEA, claiming that hemp seed oil can even make you high and extensively applied in body care products --- which doesn’t get people high ---- and should be allowed for use and distribution.


Since hemp is utilized to make thousands of materials including construction components, clothing, paper, vehicle parts, foods, and even as bio-fuel, more than 30 states have brought in pro-hemp legislation with 22 to have passed it. The law may have been a symbolic move. Still, just recently, in progress made by hemp legalization supporters, the U.S. Congress voted to amend a Farm Bill that would make hemp production legal for research reasons.

