Covid Virus Never Isolated- Vaccines then are Frauds and not real vaccines

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Covid Virus Never Isolated- Vaccines then are Frauds and not real vaccines

The Covid Virus never Existed and was NEVER Isolated in order to make a vaccine for the alleged virus says hundreds of doctors on this great video with lots of short clips from dozens of doctors.

Thus the Vaccine is a total fraud based on lies, fraud, and misinformation to deceive you into taking it.!AjXqr6BHgxEngoZYSndbujTbIuTZYA?e=8eYBGf

 The One Drive website has lots of Articles by doctors and officials, and lots of great videos to see the various doctors and docs to prove the virus was never ever isolated, thus the Vaccine is a total fraud based on lies, fraud, and misinformation to deceive you into taking it.
