TBF Final Fantasy can only be sub-subscribed to

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Both have been enjoyable to play. I'd prefer the FXXiv model over the eso. Eso appears to be. I'm not sure what it is. It didn't really grab my attention but ffxiv is just lots of wow tbc gold life, and it's as the op said. Esos combat is pretty awful. Imagine if Skyrim was running a 3 second slowing down every attack. That's eso.

Both have been enjoyable to play. I'd much rather the FXXiv version over the ESO. Eso is just. The feeling of being empty isn't it. It's hard to keep my attention however ffxiv does have so much energy and life as the article said. Esos combat is pretty awful. Imagine skyrim having a 3 second server delay per attack. This is the eso.

Combat is enjoyable and fast-paced. The use of active taunts/blocks/dodges is great, but skills don't have cooldowns which makes it a lot of fun. Certain classes can use the same skill THIRTY times , in a row.

The company does not value the time you spend as a player like FFXIV does. If you're not a premium subscriber (same price as ff) and you'll have to spend the same amount of time managing your inventory and bank as you do actually playing the game. Each new dungeon needs to be bought (unless you're a premium subscriber) and in addition, they come with annual expansions that contain a minuscule amount of information... It's like I'm referring to a new raid, and 1 new zone worth of tales for $30.

TBF Final Fantasy can only be sub-subscribed to cheap TBC Classic Gold. All is well if you buy the ESO sub. They're half the cost of FF expansions. Additionally, they release twice as often , so it's pretty competitive.
