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THE BRIDEGROOM DESIRES A DEEP LOVE RELATIONSHIP WITH EACH BELIEVER! - The Master Yahshua Messiah is not satisfied only with saving sinners from Hell and getting them to Heaven. He is concerned for the fulfillment of the Father’s purpose -





The Master Yahshua Messiah is not satisfied only with saving sinners from Hell and getting them to Heaven. He is concerned for the fulfillment of the Father’s purpose - the perfecting of the Bride who is to share the rest of eternity with Him. Just as believers are ultimately to reach perfection in holiness, so they will also come to perfection in love.


In Ephesians 5: 25 we read:


“ Husbands, love your wives, even as Messiah also loved the Congregation and gave Himself up on its behalf5.” Husbands in return are to give unconditional love to their wives always looking at what is best for them as their protector as Yahshua is to the congregation.


Now think friend! After manifesting His love by giving Himself on the cross for the Bride; after saving and winning her to Himself at such a cost, how greatly He must desire the believer’s response of love.


We sing the chorus:


How greatly Yahshua must have loved me, to bear my sins, in His body, on the tree.


Yes, He loved us greatly; not just because we were perishing souls, but because we were His chosen Bride. And He loves each one of us equally, for we are all part of the complete Bride. We have varying ministries and gifts, no doubt, but there is no indication that the Master loves one member less than the others.


JOHN is called the Beloved Apostle. He seemed to be the “Master’s favorite,” but Yahshua was open to all His disciples. He was longing for the love of each of them as much as He was of John. Was it that John wanted to be loved more than the others? Was it that he was the most responsive, the most loving of them all, and so Y’shua could express more love to him?


(John, in his Gospel and Epistles, mentioned ‘love’ 80 times — much more than any other Biblical writer.)


Well, the Master wanted the love and companionship of every one of them. If we go back to the beginning, when He chose the apostles, we see that He wanted them to be with Him. He wanted their fellowship and affection.


“And He went up to the mountain and summoned those whom He Himself wanted, and they came to Him. And He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him, and that He might send them out to preach, and to have authority to cast out the demons.” Mark 3: 13-15


We usually think the Redeemer Master wanted the disciples to be, first and foremost, witnesses unto Him. But no! First, He wanted them to be with Him. They would witness later. They would cast out demons later. They would evangelize the world later. But first, He wanted their company and love.


Here is a marvelous thing! The eternal Son of YAHWEH, the Beloved of the Father, the Source of love itself, was seeking the love and companionship of mere men. HalleluYAH!


Moreover, Y’shua wanted to teach His people to truly love. “A new commandment I give you: Love one another! Just as I have loved you, you also love one another.” (John 13:34) “The one who does not love has not known Elohim, because YAHWEH is LOVE.” 1 John 4:8


Yahweh's character is only true love. His law and commands are only an extension of His character and love for mankind. One can memorize the Bible from cover to cover but if he is not obedient to Yahweh's Torah and does not have genuine Elohim guided love for his neighbor, then it is all vanity and meaningless and self-righteous. —
