20 Questions About Sports.

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Sports or Church? Which are teaching your children is more important?


  1. What percentage of your child's ballgames do you attend?  What percentage of church services do you attend with your child?  Which is higher?  Why?

  2. If your child said, "I just don't feel like playing in the game tonight," what would you say to him?  If your child said, "I just don't feel like attending church this morning," what would you say?

  3. Have you ever skipped church to attend a sporting event? What kind of message does that send to your child?

  4. For what reasons would you allow your child to miss practice?  For what reasons would you allow your child to miss church?  When you compare those reasons, how are they alike or different?

  5. What percentage of practices does your child attend?  What percentage of church services does your child attend?

  6. Do you view your child's team as "a team"?  Do your view your church as "a team"?

  7. How excited are you about seeing your child excel in athletics?  How excited are you about seeing your child excel in Christlikeness? 

  8. If the church has scheduled an event and your child's team has scheduled practice, which, on average, will your child go to?

  9. Do you "expect" your child to attend practice faithfully?  Do you "expect" your child to attend church faithfully?

  10. Do you "expect" your child to contribute to the team?  Do you "expect" your child to contribute to the body of Christ?

  11. Which is a more exciting thought to you:  your child receiving an MVP award for his team or your child leading a friend to faith in Christ?

  12. How excited do you get about the big game?  How excited do you get about corporate worship?

  13. If your child routinely asked to stay home from practice, would you speak with him/her about "commitment"?  If your child routinely asked to stay home from church, would you speak with him/her about "commitment"?

  14. What is commitment?

  15. How would you define "idolatry"?

  16. What do you figure is the overall spiritual and psychological impact of communicating to your child that sports are crucial and the church is optional?

  17. If your child attended the same percentage of practices as he/she attends worship services, would the coach let him/her play in the game?

  18. If your child attended the same percentage of practices as he/she attends worship services, would the coach let your child stay on the team?

  19. What do sports really matter in Eternity?

  20. Would Satan use sports as a distraction to keep a person from:

a. Hearing the gospel and getting saved?

b. If saved – keep them from growing spiritually?

