Great Quote by my Favorite Preacher

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Most people are too thin-skinned today. America is full of a bunch of cry babies.

"You know one reason I preach the way I do? And I know a lot of folks don't appreciate it. They don't like the tone of my voice and all that stuff. But you know one reason why I do? ...through the years...I've learned that if a man wants the truth, he will take it no matter how you dish it out. If a man is hungry for the truth...I don't care if you...abuse him...and mock him and ridicule him while you're putting it out, he will take it... And if a man doesn't want the truth, I don't care how nice and refined, respectable and subtle and tactful you are, he will not take it. So I just don't waste my time being nice and subtle and tactful. There isn't any point in it." - Dr. Peter Ruckman

