Are you really a Bible believer?

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Either you believe ALL the Bible or None of It.

 This has nothing to do with the Flat Earth stupidity!

The Bible will shock you if you actually study it. It will destroy your preconceived notions about many subjects if you read it with an open mind and a humble spirit. One such notion is the teaching that the earth revolves around the sun and that the earth rotates on an axis. Neither is true. I will go into more detail later but here is an excerpt from a book written by Malcolm Baldwin.



Update from concerning geocentricity--

The simple subsistence farmer with God on his side and a strong ox to plow his fields is far better off than an educationally deceived, pleasure-loving American who sees the sun rise and says that it only appears to do so. Even professed Christians walk around with this heliocentric deception-- in spite of scriptures such as Isaiah 38:8 that clearly teach that the sun moves. It is the earth that stands still. To most of us, this sounds so far out--but why? Our own eyes tell us that the sun rises and sets. We even say, "the sun is rising," "the sun is setting". Why does it sound so far out when someone says the sun actually has a circuit? It is because a spinning earth hurling through "space" (actually the firmament) like a ball shot out of a canon has been pounded into our heads from our youth. We succumbed to the teaching assault. We did not know any better. I believed it until someone showed me what the scriptures have to say about it--and then in a moment of time, I was free from that deception. Are you like that? Where all you need is the scripture to quickly dismantle any lie that you have believed? whether that lie came from Mother, Father, teacher, textbook, dictionary, or preacher? Sun worship is not dead, it has just taken on more sophisticated forms. I've seen poetry by one of the early heliocentrists actually magnifying the sun (I read it in "Geocentricity" by Dr. Gerardus Bouw--Dr. Bouw is a former atheist with a Phd in Astronomy). Baal is not dead. He has a new generation of ignorant worshippers. Even the so-called "Christian" textbook publishers magnify heliocentrists like Nicolas Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler but practically ignore Tycho Brahe--the Noble Dane and the "Prince of Astronomers"--his beliefs, his findings. Tycho Brahe created the greatest naked-eye astronomical instrumentation known to mankind. He took astronomy to a whole new level. This fact is undisputed. He knew about Copernicus' proclamations and rejected them on both scriptural and scientific grounds (for the record, the Tychonic model is not the same as the Ptolemaic system). King James delighted in the knowledge he learned in Tycho Brahe's laboratory.

Unsurprisingly, heliocentrist experiments to prove the motion of the earth have FAILED. These experiments have been deliberately ignored by universities because they support geocentricity.

...But a disciple does not need all this proof. A disciple ONLY needs the scriptures to prove to him what is true. One day I was in an audience when Dr. Bouw pointed out specific scriptures concerning the motion of the sun. That was ALL I needed to hear to change my mind. God showed me all the rest of these facts later on. Many, many things have worked out like that in my life. Are you like that? Where if the scriptures say it, you will believe it even if the world thinks you are some kind of fool? The earth is NOT hurling through "space" reeling to and fro like some drunken man. We've been deceived, don't know what the ecliptic is, cannot properly explain the seasons, and cannot tell the tropic of Capricorn from the tropic of cancer because we don't know what the sun is doing...But in places where real astronomy is necessary--like in aeronautics--the geocentric model is still used.

