If I don't have Augury/Rigour prayers are I

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EoC won't make fighting non-boss monsters fun... It's only going to let you spam abilities. I've played with the Live game and RS gold it's wonderful. In beta, I'm PvP'ing... This is the time to be a fan. Everyone gets Full Torva/Pernix/chaotics whatever.

However, no one ventures in the wild, putting their life at risk by exposing themselves to Torva and pernix. So, you could easily achieve a single hit of a 4000 whilst pking in rune or something that is similar to 4000 like stun them and hit them several times. You'll see them die quickly. I'm not interested in PvP'ing anymore. Which is unfortunate, except, of course, I'm using OP'd-out swifts/goliaths.

I've looked up guides for The Fight Kiln but I still have a few queries about it. When I'm not using Augury or Ragour prayers, should I be on curses? If so which creatures should I SoulSplit on , if I have there is any? If I own dreadnips, could be used to swap them with the Dills and put them in my bank account to use for my pickaxe?

Is tanking the Jad's Ganodermic top and legs feasible or even worth it to pray or flinch? If I bring 2 tort pouches, and an unicorn pouch with scrolls will I be able to substitute the brews with these? I'll also fill in a tort with brews before entering. Please assist me with my concerns and provide any more tips. It's greatly appreciated.

If I don't have Augury/Rigour prayers are I on curses? If yes, on which people should I soul split on, or on? If you're not interested in flashing, consider soul splitting whenever you only have a handful of enemies. If you do like flashing, you could take on 2 meleers or 2 rangers or a small mage, and then split your soul.

If I have dreadnips can I use those on the Dills and use them to bank my pickaxe? Only if you also have a titan, which you aren't if you're using old school runescape buy gold a tort. Is tanking the Jad's in Ganodermic top + legs doable or even more worthwhile to pray switch/flinch?
