Democrats Must Denounce Lawlessness & The Destruction of Our Churches

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Black Lives Matter Attacks on Churches

The United States was founded in the belief that we all have inherent worth because we are children of God.  This weekend, in addition to the 9 churches vandalized or set on fire previously; 3 more churches were  vandalized.  In Miami, FL; Boston, Mass; New Haven, Connecticut. Incidentally, Nantes Cathedral in France has also just been set on fire, in addition to hundreds of churches and even the Notre Dame.   No acts of vandalism should be tolerated -- particularly those directed at churches.  The very future of American liberty under God may depend on the choices we make today in response to these attacks.  

Archbishop Thomas Wenski, who oversees the Miami Catholic parishes, has requested that the police investigate the incident as a hate crime. But he has not realized that the police have their hands full trying to bring under control the lawlessness engulfing the nation; even as they themselves are being maligned, defunded, and even beaten up by BLM Antifa thugs, quaintly called 'peaceful protestors" by the Leftists.

Eric Metaxsas, a Christian writer,  said a "hatred of God" is at the root of these attacks.  It was as though envy of those with more, or envy of those in power had been deified and was itself being worshiped — and there can never be any satisfaction for those kinds of dark forces. He explained it wasn't just the French Revolution that witnessed attacks on the church, but also the Russian Revolution and Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution in Communist China. 

Parallel to this is selective discrinination against Churches and attempts to bankrupt them;  using Covid as an excuse, being enforced by Gavin Newsom and others of his Leftist group.  Opening liquor stores and pot dispensaries is ok.  Shopping at Walmart Big Box stores is ok.  Crowds rioting, chanting and looting is ok.  But churches must be shut down all over again!

We should stop pretending that the 'protesting' is about black people.  BLM has collected billions, but done nothing to improve the lot of the black people. Nor have the Democrats, who have ruled majority black inner cities for decades.  

We should also stop pretending that Democrats have nothing to do with this - They are encouraging the rioting and looting; furthering the defunding of the police; and watching while churches are being destroyed. They are also collecting the money being extorted - BLM donations go to ActBlue Charities, which is the leading donation arm of the DNC.  

This is a carefully planned campaign.  They have started with statues, progressed to our churches, which provide the stability, comfort and leadership for our people; and will soon progress to the people themselves.  Meantime, they have destroyed all semblance of law and order by curbing the police.

Communist/Socialist Democrats know they will lose if they have free and fair elections.  This is an attempt to overthrow the government by terrorism. Terrorizing the people with false threats of Covid, even while death rates are falling; cutting off social media of all who oppose BLM or  Communist China; and sending in their violent mobs to terrorize and extort funds from corporations. 

Right now, the Communist/Socialist Democrats are getting away with staying silent.  When they do talk, like Biden's apologist Chris Wallace, they say Biden didn't call for 'defunding' the police.  But he did call for 'redirecting' police funds to other causes, essentially the same thing as 'defunding'.  St Petersburg, FL has just ordered that 911 calls be 'redirected' away from the police.  And 'redirecting' funds fron the police and the replacing of  the police with unarmed social workers who will answer calls for those who are  intoxicated or have overdosed, people who are in mental health crises or are suicidal, homelessness, neighbor disputes and disorderly kids or truants!

Something needs to be done right away.  A first step is for everyone to write to their Senator and Congressman and Biden and demand that they condemn the attacks; and openly offer their support for   the police and the churches.

If they prevaricate, then you will know they actually support this kind of lawlessness.  But the fact that you called or wrote will let them know they have gone too far and that vast numbers of people oppose what they are doing;  and perhaps, induce them to order their thugs to stop

Rohini DeSilva, Esq
July 18, 2020.

Statue of Jesus Beheaded at Miami, Florida Church, Archdiocese Wants Hate Crime Investigation 
Randy DeSoto, The Western Journala
July 17,  2020
