This is in Golden wave Island just off the Arthetine Continent

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Una's Daily Tasks offer you daily rewards for a few of Lost Ark Items these things. It's basically about finding tasks that provide you with crafting materials. Take a look at our complete Una's Tasks guide here.

Where It Is Located - It is in the The Shushire's Frozen Sea region. Finish the main continent storyline and then finish the mission by slaying thieves. It's simple and quick, however, it will take you to the North and South, so make sure you make sure you set an Bi Frost for this area!

Replacement Parts - This is in Golden wave Island just off the Arthetine Continent. Find the quests here to be able to access the task of Una in your menu.

Take a Ride Like The Wind - This is among our top choices to play in the beginning of the game due to the fact that it takes players through various islands you can explore while you complete your daily.

It's as simple as going towards Peyto, Turtle Island, Tortoyk, as well as Revelry Row. Be sure to keep an eye on the daily and hourly resets on the upper left.They are in cheap Lost Ark Gold the box on the left-hand side on your display. There's a timer that shows each time these events are scheduled to be live.
